Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yahoo buys social TV application IntoNow

SUNNYVALE, Calif (AP) — Yahoo buy the maker of the mobile software that makes it easier for people to let their friends know what you're watching TV.The deal to buy IntoNow is part of Yahoo's effort to provide more information-sharing services. -

The deal to buy IntoNow is part of Yahoo's effort to provide more information sharing services.

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The deal to buy IntoNow is part of Yahoo's effort to provide more information sharing services.

The deal to buy IntoNow, announced Monday, is part of Yahoo's effort to provide more information sharing services. The company, which is based in Sunnyvale, Calif., trying to give people more reasons to stay on the website and services rather than the increasingly popular online hangouts such as Facebook, Twitter. Financial condition is unknown.IntoNow also allows viewers to identify their favorite TV commercials, a feature that may open ways for Yahoo to sell more of its Web video ads ... Despite its website still ranks among the common goals of the Internet, growth of Yahoo's ad not kept pace with the rest of the Web. "??'??? have pain Yahoo stock priceThat the company has been in doldrums balked at a chance to sell itself to Microsoft for 33, before any dollar almost three years. Yahoo shares gained 41 cents, or 2.4 percent, $17.26 on Monday early afternoon as investors reacted to the speculation of recent struggles of the company may run to occupation of the Palestinian village.IntoNow, a Palo Alto based, Calif., has seven employees. Session three months is run by a man, who had worked previously on Kahn-MTV Google and Viacom.

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