Saturday, April 30, 2011

NASA abruptly cancels shuttle launch; Planned liftoff Monday

Cape — NASA abruptly canceled launch of space shuttle endeavour on Friday, destroying what was a historic day that are built with the emotion of the Arizona Republican seriously wounded Gabrielle Giffords, watching her husband command flight next-to-last of the space shuttle.The crew of space shuttle Endeavour leave the Operations and Checkout Building to board the orbiter before the launch was scrubbed due to technical problems. By John Raoux, AP

Space shuttle endeavour crew to leave the operations and checkout to the space shuttle, ??? before launch due to technical problems.

By John Raoux, AP

Space shuttle endeavour crew to leave the operations and checkout to the space shuttle, ??? before launch due to technical problems.

Thermostat is damaged by force helped to delay the launch of at least 72 hours. The most optimistic scenario, launch Director Mike Leinbach said the earliest the ferry will be 2 at 12: 33 p.m. there until Monday. NASA Wednesday to start. If the effort fails to run, the job order will be delayed until May 9th or 10th so that it would conflict with the other missions, including the Atlas v launch, rocket launch from Cape Canaveral, and commercial undocked the Soyuz, Mike, Chairman of the management team of the Mission of the shuttle delay, Giffords disappointed about.But the job safety is the priority implementation, her office said in a statement. "Launch delays that are not with the space shuttle, "he said. "We look forward to rescheduling the task fast scientifically important." Giffords met with President Obama and family first, at the Kennedy Space Center, met with the staff and their families on Friday. By Charles Dharapak, AP

President Obama and his family joined the astronaut Janet Kavandi under the landing of space shuttle Atlantis at Kennedy Space Center Cape Canaveral, Fla.

"Hopefully we can entice him back for another session, Kennedy Space Center Director Robert Cabana said the astronauts will be quarantined. their quarters team or on beach house team up to launch rescheduled. They spend a family who were from, said Cabana. It is clear if Giffords in Florida.Her Office said its travel plans are "not set" Giffords, who is recovering from death in the head, already in since Wednesday to be launching the shuttle, which her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, did not publicly Giffords. Since the assassination attempt on January 8She left her at the Hospital of Houston for the first time to the restoration of the Florida. He had expected to see a liftoff, there were other astronaut families. Friday's liftoff bshba approached dramatically on what appeared a day launch near-perfect: with a helicopter overhead and S.W.A.T team left ??'???, NASA's space shuttle operations center trailer airflow for 10 minutes to play when word reached the Board: The launch of the shuttle endeavour tiptoe. scheduled launch at 3: 47: 16 p.m.Mission Directors decided to cancel afternoon launch. Astronauts, fully dressed in Orange flight suits and their outside of boarding the ferry, had left their operations center just 15 minutes earlier. Obama and his family, a storm destroyed in Alabama to Florida for a launch, touched down at Cape Canaveral's air force, less than an hour later. Instead of watching the launch, they toured the facility and the processing of the space shuttle and was closer to the shuttle Atlantis. Mission Atlantis will launch the final version of the American space program in June 28. Endeavour astronauts, at the end of the airflow, called the Astrovan, and less of effort were seconds so three hours before liftoff planned for 14 days to the international space station, when Friday's launch was read. Astrovan suddenly turned around, making at least 72 hours of hurry-up-and for the team. "You're bored you are concerned, you've done all your training, you're ready to go, "astronaut Rick Mastracchio says of the lead-up to the launch. "It's time to slow."Thermostat, one of two used to prevent freezing, by the gas line is Hashem, Leinbach said. Auxiliary power units with hydrazine fueled, which you can freeze on track. Thermostats should feel the temperature drops, start heating. "It was a failure. We couldn't make her life no matter what we did, "said another Leinbach. heater away up the line" was also showing a funny behavior, "he said."We don't want to commit to a flight with only one heater, "which you leave the ferry terminal at risk for a frozen fuel if the thermostat, Leinbach said. correct the thermostat and ramping up again for the launch will take at least three days, Leinbach said. If the problem is more extensive and involves a switchbox, switching lines towards other delays launch, he said. Testing involves two full switchbox replacing of the tests, he said. for more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

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