Thursday, April 28, 2011

First impressions: the gears of war Beta 3 "

Let me introduce you to the sawed off shotgun. He is a member of the best ... And your worst enemy.

In an environment where characters like its sponges to absorb damage, it is a weapon to use. Up close, one shot, thud!: has just notched a kill.

But beware: this one after shot, you must suffer the slow reloading process leaves you open to all kinds of balls a return old-fashioned feel it.

On Monday, his epic games open beta for a third person shooter 3 gears of war. After several rounds of multiplayer games, the experience proved to be quite entertaining.

Here's a quick summary of the availability of this post: three types of maps and correspondence, team deathmatch, King of the Hill. Each map has a unique set of weapons, items, such as the minigun Thrashball map or Scorcher in the old city.

In team Deathmatch, two groups of six players Duke it among the best of three. Each team has 15 respawns, lives in the first team to eliminate the other wins. King Hill requires players to capture and hold points on the map, sanity up points. The team with the winning points at the end of it.

Team Deathmatch was enough, and really not wildly in other shooters. King Hill was more interesting, especially because the players use the more coordination and to protect or to locations.

After adjusting all players earn experience points and actions of space (number, number of abortions melee). New degrees lead to unlocks such as skins for the new characters, weapons and other items. It is not clear if fresh weapons are part of Kai.

In General, combat is a traditional Gears of War. Players should take advantage of the gate or get shredded by gunfire of the enemy. Using continuous and roadie run (twist) equally important, since these characters lumbering across normal speeds mapping. And don't forget to reload the active, which allows players to speed up the minigame weapon reloads and treats small damage.

Proposed weapons include Hammerburst Lancer-traditional version of the bayonet, retro with chainsaw bayonet standard-rifle, shotgun Gnasher sawed off shotgun mentioned above.

Lancer feels easier to use, and adds the bonus of a chainsaw attachment, but the sawed off is definitely the most powerful weapon, and is one of the most frequently, based on my experience.

Close-quarters combat element has always been an interesting and sometimes funny--Gears of War. Among all the moves and other tricks, sidesteps, I can't tell if I'm trying to kill the opponent or break-dance.

So far, beta gear of war 3 was enjoyable after that – adjusting to quickly figure out how to Dodge, back attacks shotgun.

Readers, who played the beta? What do you think?

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