Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More confusion now swirls around Google, Apple tracking

Google and Apple are taking Tiger Woods approach on crisis communications.Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S, left, , which runs on Google's Android operating system, and Apple's iPhone 4. By Ahn young-John, AP

The electronics Samsung Galaxy S, left, which runs on Google's Android operating system, Apple iPhone 4.

By Ahn young-John, AP

The electronics Samsung Galaxy S, left, which runs on Google's Android operating system, Apple iPhone 4.

Tech giants continue to say very little about the controversy roiling over recent disclosures that iPhones and Android keep track of all where user's every day. "This arrogance demonstrated with mgpon is very strong, "said Michael Robinson, Senior Vice President of Levick strategic communications. "They say, ' who are we? '"Apple has refused to issue any statement; The company has ignored a USA Today interview requests and my voice. Google usually issues a comprehensive blog post written by a Senior Manager to explain gaffes. This time, however, the company issued a statement asserting a sentence three is permission to run any position Android tracking services, location data is not paine individual users Apple iPhones and iPads have been sold since June 2010 to collect stamp location coordinates often as every few minutes and stores them in a file that can be accessed easily by anyone in possession of the device. Google goes one step further. For some time now, phones Android has not only been collecting location data, they've also transmits them back to Google for advertising campaigns. If you stay silent, Apple and risk losing control of the message to the same location tracking technology embedded into popular iPhones and Android devices that mainly maliciousSays Robinson, that advises executives on Wall Street executives and politicians in the United States. "Crisis, you want to communicate and set the story before it's been for you," he says. "Mute only the fear of speculation." Ed Markey, D Congress-Assistant, is one of the people concerned. Markey calls for investigation of Congress of both companies and locked position; Privacy advocates are rallying around Markey, another critic, reflective mprnkonia El, D-Minn. "consumers want their smartphones outsmarting them or their children," said Jeffrey Chester, Executive Director for the Center for digital democracy, a wave of civil claims for invasion of privacy.Franken at the end of the hearing Mondayannounced 10 may protect the privacy of mobile Apple and Google asked to testify. Separately, the Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan called for a meeting with representatives of Apple and Google about the location of the trace, privacy Bill of rights proposed milestone recently by an amortization schedule John Kerry, D-Assistant and reflective John McCain, R-Ariz, probably will be strengthening, says Michael Fertik, CEO and founder vshilot "McCain Kerry gives more control over the information but should include mobile privacy features Specifically, says Fertik. "Politically, it is a universal problem. If you are a Liberal, apparently you don't like people to take your data without your consent. If you are a conservative apparently you don't like invasion of privacy. If you bag, apparently you don't like that the data are taken without your knowledge or consent. "As this issue is brought to life, then it will be of the internal workings of a smartphone. Last fall, student researchers at Duke and Penn, with help from Intel, in the light of the results of an experiment in which they found 15 of 30 popular apps Android sent systematically ad networks location data in a variety of formats. researchers randomly selected apps from the free programs to download and are listed in the news, Weather, entertainment and social network application, Android market is the official repository monitored by Google They discovered that some of the apps transmitted information only when you view the ads, while others have done so even when the user was not running the application. Some of the transmitted information as often as every 30 seconds. "We found it surprising location information was shared with the ad without explanation or notice, Jaeyeon Jung, "said one, who is working on a follow-up experiment. Similarly, additional information about the location of the iPhone are coming to light tracking system. With Apple keeping silence, the Wall Street Journal ran a test appearance iPhones to collect and store location information even when location services are turned off. "Still not found how to respond to the tech flaws privacy, "says John Mayer, researcher at the center of the Stanford for Internet and society. "No, you can't ignore them. Yes, you get roughed up to know them and manipulate them. "For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

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