Saturday, April 30, 2011

Climate change can add more tornadoes

As with any major disaster weather these days--from floods, hurricanes, wildfires tornado outbreak this week in people asking questions about its huge elephant who is lurking in the corner, global climate change.

Two separate studies in 2007 reported that global warming lead to a dramatic increase in frequency of weather severe storms, tornadoes and feed until the end of the 21st century.

One study, in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found places I could see how a 100% increase in the number of days that favor severe storms.

Densely populated areas "of the South and East, including the New York City, Atlanta, can be especially hard-hit," reporting on research leads the author Jeff Trapp of Purdue.

Fuel for the stronger storms will be the predicted warming of the earth caused by burning fuels that emit greenhouse gases.

Although spring is usually more storms stormy, "the highest summer should increase in severe weather," said Trapp. His team reported that by the end of the century will increase the number of days of spring with serious conditions cloudy over the Southern Plains, particularly Florida.

But in the summer, almost all of the eastern half of the country may see an increase in the days and conducive to the more severe storms, with increases in most likely near the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast.

Another study, lead author Tony del Genio, NASA, said Nations of the continent of United States whopper storms are likely to be more in the warmer, moister.

Genio del, "the most powerful storms, severe storms are most powerful tornadoes is likely to happen more often, stronger," he said when the research was published.

With the computer model, Genio del looked that combine forces to make light.

A unique combination of geography and weather patterns have already made the United States tornadoes in the hot spot in the world, severe storms in spring and summer. A large land mass heating on hot days, outlines of the Jet stream of the atmosphere, the wind came off hot humid air in the Rocky Mountains that reaches the Gulf of Mexico each step.

Genio del computer model shows global warming says stronger updrafts, when the spirit moves up and down instead of to the sides.

The paper that he parser appeared in geophysical research letters.

Contributing: associated press

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