Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Komando: buy Smart 4 G faster now or wait?

Said: I see a lot of advertisements for 4 G phones. I have 4 g phone buy now or wait?The HTC Thunderbolt on Verizon 4G LTE. AP, With Verizon Wireless

Jonathan HTC with Verizon 4 G LTE.

AP, With Verizon Wireless

Jonathan HTC with Verizon 4 G LTE.

Reply: respondents definitely pushing 4 G technology ensures data speeds significantly faster than third-generation networks. I wouldn t buy phone just for the 4 G, but. Most carriers are still rolling out 4 G networks. So, the 4 G service will be available only in some areas. In addition, aren t networks 4 G 4 G's they don t match. repair 4 G official. Speed or 4 G technology is missing. Won t 4 G is available until 2012 or later. Buy then.That I can t find the answer to this anywhere. Amazon tried, even called the Apple store. Nobody seems to know. If I buy audiobooks for the Kindle, you can also use them on iPad?A. You've come to the right place. Audiobooks for Kindle are provided by Amazon's Audible Service. There is an audible for wind. There are also sound applications for smartphones, tablets, and others. This means that use audiobooks with many devices, including the iPad. The Apps are free with a subscription to Audible. You can activate an account on a single portable gadgets has three and four. You can share the audiobooks it between systems. Kindle has the read-to-me. He read some e-books aloud. Unfortunately, she doesn t work with the Kindle application, which allows you to read subtitles Kindle tablets and telephones.That accepts I m trying to send a friend a document from my desktop, but is simply a .LNK file. What can I do?A. the problem is that isn t a document on your desktop. Instead, you send a file to a shortcut on the desktop. You can create shortcuts to documents and programs. They are just links to the document or program on your hard drive. Right-click the icon for the shortcut s and select Properties. The General tab, you will see a line labeled position. This is where the actual file is located. Go to this location by using the Start > > computer. You can send us the file from there. You can also drag the actual file to your desktop.That I got from a friend who owns a video. It won t play on my mac. What is the problem?I lla. , a friend sent you. WMV file or Windows Media video. This is one of the most common formats for video on Windows. It was designed with the Windows-based computers keep in mind. Fortunately, you can find the Mac software to run this video format. You can try the free Flip4Mac. This allows you to play WMV files in QuickTime. Apple s. If the video player still won t, try the free VLC Player. It will play almost every format in existence. Find links on Komando.com/news.That I just upgrade to the latest version of Firefox. Why there are two address bars?A. search is part of the basic Web surfing. However, loading a site search every time you search for something is a nuisance. So browser makers try to streamline the process. What s That s experience at the Club. Firefox's address bar to the left is for entering Web addresses. If you know the site's Web address, you simply enter the site. Bar on the left is to perform searches. Simply enter the search term and hit Enter. This will bring up a search results page to you. The most current version of chrome and Internet Explorer 9 to take a different approach than Firefox. They have a hybrid address lines. You can visit Web sites or perform searches of it anywhere.----questions email Komando on C1Tech@gannett.com.For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. usatoday.com. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

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