Friday, April 29, 2011

Jobs, Apple issued denial is tracking iPhone

Breaking seven days of quiet, Apple on Wednesday issued a flat denial that iPhones and iPads systematically of all user log location several times a day, and even CEO Steve jobs out of others publicly to back up this claim medical.AT&T customer Joe Walmsley tries out an Apple iPhone 4 at an AT&T store in Palo Alto, Calif. Paul Sakuma, AP

Clients attempting to exit AT&T Walmsley Joe 4 in iPhone Apple store Palo Alto AT&T, Calif.

Paul Sakuma, AP

Clients attempting to exit AT&T Walmsley Joe 4 in iPhone Apple store Palo Alto AT&T, Calif.

However, complex explanation of the company not to Apple hook from May 10, the Senate hearing to examine the location tracking systems of Apple iPhones, and iPads as well as Google Android devices. "You still have questions about what exactly happened here, and why Apple does what he does," says an amortization schedule in Al mprnkonia, D-Minn., who called the hearing. "And this raised questions over how the locations of mobile devices, they are shared by companies like Apple and Google, and federal laws provide adequate protection as including advanced technology." sentence, Apple says, "the iPhone will not connect your location and interview with the" Wall Street Journal, Stressed that "we're not tracking someone."However, these very narrow setting will hinge on how well ?????? of location tracking, says Pete Warden, who along with fellow British scholar Alan Alasdair, discovered how iPhones keep a log of where the timestamp of each user. On Alan's personal iPhone, they found the archive of historical locations in the United States and Alan visited the United Kingdom over 300. According to its statement, the Apple iPhone now loads of Alan himself did not what Apple considers registry location. What is the phone actually did was pull down location data points from a database maintained by Apple of the hotspots of Wi-Fi and cell towers are warden and Alan works. Bangkok and stumbled upon "the files we have through the anonymous information we collect, from the audience of tens of millions of iPhones out there"He said the mean Journal. Apple continue to send data from Wi-Fi and cell tower all iPhones and iPads. But this only store worth seven days of such information, and stop backing up information to users ' computers when you synchronize devices. Apple will also turn off this service when the user turns off the phone's location services. The company says these "software patches" are going published some bug weeks next. Google has confirmed that she was doing something similar with Android handsets, in fact, top location data users from Android for marketing campaigns. Last week, Google said it receives permission to run all services tracking location of Android, data not paine to individual users. "Apple needs to do much more to explain what he is doing and why, will be a good start for Steve jobs to appear bashmiaa, "says John Simpson, the speaker timer. For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

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