Saturday, April 30, 2011

ICANN names computer hacker named Security Chief

San Francisco (AP) — Jeff Moss, a prominent hacker who founded the annual Black Hat and DefCon security conferences in Las Vegas, has been hired as Chief Security Officer for the organization that coordinates the names of the websites in the world., the Internet Corporation for names, numbers, or ICANNPlays a vital role, and make sure that when you type the name of the site in a Web browser, the computer knows where can I find the site you are trying to reach. ICANN domain name administrator underlying this chain of communication. "I think that a greater understanding of security threats with the most Internet users how to protect them ??'? Moss, "Rod Beckstrom, CEO of ICANN, former Director of national Cybersecurity Center, said in the statement of the United States."He has in-depth knowledge that can only face is the motto of the ongoing war fought against cyber threats. "Moss, who is also used in the United States Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council, receives a message from ICANN's new Friday in Washington, d.c.

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