Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Amazon still trying to solve computer problems

Amazon still trying to restore the computers used by other websites like stopping continued on the third day. Apart from the sale of books and DVDs, Amazon. Rents space on computers that are running on other Web sites and online services. One of his Virginia data centers began having problems on Thursday morning, Amazon said Saturday he ... makes progress in solving the problem, but it is hoped more slowly than him. Sharing news site Reddit was functioning again. On its Web site, Amazon said remove it a number of bottlenecks that prevented connections from Virginia, but another problem held up restoring all remaining. The so-called cloud services company s in Northern California working as usual. no one knows for sure how many people are inconvenienced, but affected services used by millions of people. "-Seattle-based Amazon did not respond to a request for a response. for more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

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