Sunday, May 1, 2011

Amazon launches store song 69 St

Los Angeles (AP) — Amazon this week launched a store that sells digital songs for 69 cents, to bring more people to its Web site on e-commerce, to strengthen his plan ultimately require people to store tunes on remote servers as the cloud.The Amazon Cloud Player. Aaazon

Amazon Cloud player.


Amazon Cloud player.

Have it cut the price blihid to 69 cents in the past, but this is the first time is dedicated to the page. Some 200 songs out of 15 million available were the prices of the truncated 69 cents Friday., which included 26 top 40 songs, artists such as Katy Perry, Jennifer Lopez, Black Eyed Peas. Other songs are priced as high as $1.29 infanta. Craig paper, Music Director, said cutting prices creates a "halo effect" helps music sales and improves engine recommendation of music. "This will strengthen that lasts to the future, "he said after an introduction to pricing music discounted Seattle-based company in March of the Amazon Cloud and Amazon Cloud, which allow people to store music on its servers, and play tunes through mobile users-Google Android operating system. people with an Amazon get 5 GB of free storage. Songs that are bought are not counted toward the bahnot Dome, but the paper said ?????? were designed to work together. "All of this ties into the experience of getting them to discover and buy and listen to more music, so that it is all together, "he said.

Copyright 2011 associated press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Astronauts looking forward, the future of space

Kennedy Space Center, Fla. — such as the tick of the clock with countdown toward the Mission of the shuttle mission's final action today shuttle program of NASA astronauts in June, saying they are nostalgic about the past, hope for the future of the space.The crew of the space shuttle Endeavor stands together on Launch Pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Thursday. From left: Michael Fincke, Andrew Feustel, Greg H. Johnson, Mark Kelly, Roberto Vittori and Greg Chamitoff. By Kim Shiflett, NASA, via AP

A team of space shuttle Endeavor's launch pad 39A on Kennedy Space Center, in the Fla, on Thursday. Left: Michael Fink, Andrew Feustel, Greg h. Johnson, Mark Kelly, Roberto Vittori and Greg Chamitoff.

By Kim Shiflett, NASA, via AP

A team of space shuttle Endeavor's launch pad 39A on Kennedy Space Center, in the Fla, on Thursday. Left: Michael Fink, Andrew Feustel, Greg h. Johnson, Mark Kelly, Roberto Vittori and Greg Chamitoff.

"I am working on the space shuttle for 24 years, more than half my life so I'm going to miss it," says astronaut Rick Mastracchio, who has flown three shuttle missions and logged almost 40 days in the field, including six spacewalks scheduled effort to run 50. p.m. today, Kennedy Space Center. NASA begins filling the ferry tank fuel in external experts Task 6:22 morning, monitoring weather goat across the South, predicted a chance of 70% of the operating condition of positive despite the threat of storms along the coast of Florida, a small brush fire smoldered 3 miles from the launch. NASA's test Director Jeff Spaulding said he expected 45,000 people to see the Kennedy Space Center And 700,000 to pour into Brevard County. President Obama and his family will participate in the launch along with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz, who was shot at the top of the month 8 and her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly and mission. "This is a historic launch, "said Spaulding. Finish a airport shuttle 28 June, with the launch of Atlantis gave seed money. NASA to develop commercial rockets to transport cargo and people into a number of companies. The development is expected to take five to seven years, leaving a space transportation for the astronauts to commercial vehicles in the United States. ready for human team, NASA astronauts will rely on the Russian Soyuz capsule to the International Space Station and begins week. Next, Mastracchio, who has been studying Russian for several yearsFollowing his training, abandoned six months on the international space station in 2013. He runs out of Kazakhstan in a Soyuz. "For me, the feeling of disappointment that the launch of people into everyday do something we do, "says astronaut Stan love, who joined the space program in 1998 flew aboard Atlantis to the international space station mission 24. Love performed two spacewalks to help join the Columbus laboratory module of the European Space Agency station, however, he says that he was excited about the future of space program. Watching for news of the endeavour, the Alpha magnetic spectrometer, which capture and analyze particles-atoms. "This can tell us something about the origin of the universe, "love said. "Reality is 10 times more than the imagination" for more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Juggernaut Apple world tech ripples through

New York — consumer technology companies reporting financial results look like this week in a row following the supertanker of Apple.customer looks at the new white iPhone 4 at the Apple store in Palo Alto, California. By David Morris, Paul Scher

The client is looking for on the new iPhone from Apple, white 4-Palo Alto, California.

By David Paul Morris, Scher

The client is looking for on the new iPhone from Apple, white 4-Palo Alto, California.

Close to oblivion in 1997, Apple is now the world's second company after Exxon Mobile is expensive. On 20 April, it reported net income of $ 5.99 for the period January to March, almost double that of last year. It was a record 18.65 million iPhones during the quarter. His tablet PCs iPad so popular, the company could not prepare enough control of Apple produced many winners and some, like the last two weeks are over: Microsoft: the loser.Apple and Microsoft as a technology that has been downloaded the most important in the world a year ago. Report mid-fall, the same place Microsoft quarterly earnings. In the period January-March this year, the same place Microsoft net income, too on Thursday, Microsoft reported that revenues from the operating system Windows on the second quarter declined because people are buying less straight to Windows PCs. potential buyers have to Macs instead Apple reported that it sold 28 percent more units. Others are going to iPads. Now, Goldman Sachs believes that more than 30 percent of iPads sold is changing. In the 1990s, the trend is reversed, like straight out Windows PCs. Macs Nokia: the loser.Nokia said this week the slash 7,000 jobs through layoffs for outsourcing. It still sells more phones than anyone else, but this is a shared loss, especially when it comes to Apple smartphones. research firm Strategy Analytics said-even Apple iPhone sales revenue of Nokia phones, hubs in the period January-March, expensive iPhones as much more than the average phone Nokia. That makes Apple, the world's largest phone maker by revenue to compete better on the iPhone, Nokia ditching his old Nokia Software and the adoption of Microsoft Windows phone 7. But the transition will take time; Windows based phones Nokia first unexpected late 2011 or early 2012. research in motion: the loser.Maker of the BlackBerry is a similar dilemma of Nokia. Organizations warned Thursday that net income, revenues and quarterly sales ending may be below the previous forecast of its high-quality phones of the company are looking for the old in comparison with the iPhone and Google Android software session Inc.. They are not selling as well as the company expected. Rim promised investors a new phones with software sales will fi hshoag back in the second half of the year, but investors are compelled to submit, on the rim down Friday. HTC, Samsung Electronics, Motorola mobility holdings: winners, indirectly. Although all three companies compete with Apple's iPhoneThey do well. Unlike the Nokia and RIM, the three are betting on Google's Android system, which comes closest to mimicking the look, feel and functionality of the iPhone mobile Motorola. shadow of the old Motorola is, once the world's second-largest maker of mobile phones. But with the emphasis on Smartphones powered Android is showing signs of success. Report on Thursday near-doubling of sales in the first quarter. Smart has 3,000 Taiwan makes smartphones for a decade, and sales are really using Android. On Friday, reported sell 12.9 million in the first quarter for Samsung of South Korea., smartphone sales were a bright spot in the first quarter was rejected by the total sales of the phone, and other electronics were weak. He got into trouble with the company's patent litigation with Apple. with Verizon Wireless: winner of theleading cellphone No.. 1 USA created a jump in customers signing a new contract and more profitable after the iPhone's version introduced on 10 February, which ended a AT&T Inc. exclusive device in the United States (with Verizon Wireless is a joint venture with Verizon Communications Inc. of New York, Vodafone Group of programmable logical controller in the United Kingdom.)AT&T and Nextel twist: mixed.New Member of the AT&T came with Verizon and Nextel twist but also to current clients saw signs of moving up with Verizon for iPhone. Instead, customers were losing between carriers more likely to go with Verizon for iPhone AT T-&. He appeared to be a new iPhone customers split evenly with with Verizon Wireless lost the lucrative contract. Sprint customers in the quarter, but continued its long cycle by subscribing to a record number of people in the cheapPrograms without a contract.

Copyright 2011 associated press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Integrated Wi-Fi airports taking?

Phoenix — frequent business traveler Meister Robert refers to the availability of Wi-Fi on as invaluable.Virgin America offers Wi-Fi on its planes. Virgin America

Virgin America offers free Wi-Fi on.

Virgin America

Virgin America offers free Wi-Fi on.

As the owner of a communications firm, said here that he pays $ 40 per Meister until $ 50 every month to stay connected with its customers via e-mail and other means, US Airways flights to Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco. If he knows one flight offers free Wi-Fi and Internet-enabled flight lalatpank. "No matter what the price, to me, is a great tool to stay connected and keep working," said Meister. but are Wi-Fi as Meister represent a minority of travellers. "Lessons", or the percentage of people who subscribe to the Wi-Fi on airplanes, are approximately 5%, according to Amy Cravens, analyst with Scottsdale, Ariz-based on Stat. Henry Harteveldt, senior analyst with Cambridge-based, Research Assistant, Forrester estimates the prices slightly higher: 7 percent to 12 percent. three years after American Airlines offered the first Wi-Fi for a feeMore than 2,000 are equipped with Wi-Fi in General. Gogo Internet Service Department is the primary subject Aircell way in the United States, will be more than half of the aircraft equipped with Wi-Fi around the world is more than 100,000 to equip the aircraft with the Wi-Fi rates increase as. take carriers use Wi-Fi to differentiate themselves, Harteveldt said. For example, Virgin America flights maacetdion, Delta Airlines are all Wi-Fi-equipped, while US Airways, United Airlines is offering the service on a portion of their flights in 2011, Delta Airlines expand the Wi-Fi services to all its regional aircraft class service has a Web service., southwest of available in-80 aircraft. By 2012, he hopes to have deployed Wi-Fi across the planes, said 540 baci spokeswoman Southwest. airline contracts with Dallas-based competitor of Aircell, Row44. "This is the octagonal divide into two groups: ????????? airlines, "said Harteveldt."Airlines that have Wi-Fi makampiin is also the passengers who are willing to pay the price more attractive (or higher). Airlines that chose not to propose it. ... Will find themselves losing customers, price and promotion activities to attract matlot clients. "At the beginning of April, Phoenix airline, Doug Parker, CEO of US Airways, the lead sets the Harteveldt."You can't drive market share through product differentiation, "he said of the Parker fly. said after one starts a service, follow the rest despite the financial implications.Wi-Fi take on prices that often businesses – long haul flights during the weekend during the summer, Jackson contract multiple subscriptions to the Internet probably will slow as wanes business travel, tourism & absorbs.Marketing difficultiesincreasing rates take Wi-Fi on the Interior of the aircraft some challenging though to what degree is the first challenge is clear., said analyst Cravens. She said some travelers find it difficult to justify paying for the Web service on the air when they receive the same service for free-coffee, And books. "Although the flight environment is so different than say Starbucks, customer don't really think so, "said Cravens. "Are you just think it was free when I was on the ground, why not free while I was on a plane?"Gogo Web, available ?????'????, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, Virgin Airlines, AirTran Airways, American Airlines flights from $ 4.95 to cost more to run Internet on a laptop, from $ 4.95 to $7.95 Internet enabled mobile device. Monthly packages are available for frequent users. Southwest, which contracts with Row44 offers Wi-Fi service on us since it became available on certain flights in the second quarter of 2010. "Carriers tried to other business models, see success. mnov 20 to 2 January, under the auspices of the Google Chrome for all free Gogo Web: Virgin America Presidents, Delta flights to take the prices were up ... 400 percent during this period, said Niels Steenstrup, VP Sales, marketing, bandwidth speeds and Aircell. If too many people slow down logon at the same time, some were connected automatically. "I think there is a balance, a balance should be cautious," said Hardevelt. "Ironically, you don't want everyone on the plane going online, because it will slow down the transmission speeds vtgobt."Beyond price, Wi-Fi subscriptions are challenged by a lack of will of Virgin America, selecting seats on flights of other airlines, the carriers offer free Wi-Fi will do not provide for laptops, tablets, cellphones due to expenses related to the installation and maintenance of the 20th Annual Symposium. Phoenix Sky Harbour International Airport earlier this monthJordan, Snyder, author of the blog vrgzn flier, proposed to replace the carriers entertainment systems will fly.Rick Zeni, Vice President of revenue management ??'? blue Airways, which will offer free Wi-Fi baci already as 2012, said: "as we buy new aircraft we have to ask, do we install TV screens or are we in that it is unnecessary? I don't think we are distributing it there (to the point) yet. "Forrester research study conducted at the beginning of 2010, 41 percent of businesses said they would prefer makampiin Wi-Fi in-flight entertainment systems, opportunity. Twenty-nine percent of leisure travelers for replacement responded.The future of Wi-Filooking ahead, Cravens says carriers need to appeal to a larger client base to increase subscriptions Wi-Fi is offered at a low rate offers for leisure clients don't mind lower speeds for bandwidth or business model to include more advertising. "Cravens if carriers were able to achieve 10 percent take rate, then at least we're going to see some positive earnings come out of it, "he said.Steenstrup Aircell's gogo will probably mean that matches the business model is its client bases. "I think the model paid for is here to stay, but first see it increases that sponsors (bbsopi and holidays), "said Steenstrup. for more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

ICANN names computer hacker named Security Chief

San Francisco (AP) — Jeff Moss, a prominent hacker who founded the annual Black Hat and DefCon security conferences in Las Vegas, has been hired as Chief Security Officer for the organization that coordinates the names of the websites in the world., the Internet Corporation for names, numbers, or ICANNPlays a vital role, and make sure that when you type the name of the site in a Web browser, the computer knows where can I find the site you are trying to reach. ICANN domain name administrator underlying this chain of communication. "I think that a greater understanding of security threats with the most Internet users how to protect them ??'? Moss, "Rod Beckstrom, CEO of ICANN, former Director of national Cybersecurity Center, said in the statement of the United States."He has in-depth knowledge that can only face is the motto of the ongoing war fought against cyber threats. "Moss, who is also used in the United States Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council, receives a message from ICANN's new Friday in Washington, d.c.

Yahoo CEO Bartz payment cuts

San Francisco — trim compensation CEO Carol Bartz 75 percent 11.9 million last year as the Internet company Yahoo struggled to revive the growth of revenue, regulatory documents submitted show Friday.Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz speaks at the Mobile World congress in Barcelona, Spain, in February. By Manu Fernández, AP

Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz speaking at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, in February.

By Manu Fernández, AP

Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz speaking at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, in February.

A sharp decline in the value of the payment of the package originated from the successful Grand Awards Bartz when Yahoo hired her on September 1 to engineer a turnaround. incentives included 5 million stock options exercise price of $11.73. Neither of these options has the authority I have Yahoo's stock price has not reached the threshold provided by one or more of the contract, which expired Bartz in January 2013. Bartz, 62, 10 million dollars in cash and some limited during 2009 to complete the benefits and options stock gave up when she left her previous employerSoftware maker Autodesk Inc., to run Yahoo. Since it has eliminated hundreds of jobs, Bartz and online services not suitable for its program jettisoned for Yahoo status as the leading products of the site news, sports and entertainment. Cost-cutting helped Yahoo twice its revenues, operating more than 800 million of 630 million goal set by the Board of Yahoo, according to the company's Board is achievement. Yahoo this gave Bartz bonus 2.2 million last year, from 1.5 million in 2009. The wages of variable value remains Bartz-1 million $. She also received prizes valued 8.7 million dollar stock, and more than $ 5,300, surrounding bpinokim. Options included a 462,180 Prize stock last year with exercise price of the shares of $ 10.18. Yahoo closed Friday at $ 17.70. Although Bartz insists Yahoo is in much better than before, its not done a lot of strategy for the company's stock price. Stocks dipped slightly last year, while the technology-driven Nasdaq composite index gained 17 percent. Performance marglo expressed frustration with Wall Street and a decline in revenue easy Yahoo last year, while there was an increase of 15 percent of the company's primary way of publishing to the Web makes money in the stock of Yahoo has done ... better recently, even though the company's net revenue fell 6 percent in the first quarter. Raleigh was led by renewed speculation that the company struggles to make it a target of occupation of the Palestinian village for opportunistic investment funds believe that the company can jump back under different management buyout chatter still was not enough to pick up shares of Yahoo to levels that stock options should reach bartz on her dress. It does not receive title to the shares awarded her first 1.67 million to Yahoo's stock price averages $17.60 during a period of 20 days. Shares of Yahoo will get higher levels lmhmir highlights on $35.19 for all the options of dress Bartz. the average stock closing price of Yahoo! during the past 20 days trading was $16.86. associated press, The formula calculates the total compensation of the Manager during the last fiscal year by adding a Charter, Bonuses, perks, a matter over which the company pays compensation market declined and the value of shares of stock and options awarded during the year. The AP did not count the formula changes to the current pension benefits baarch. That is somewhat different in most cases the total AP report by securities companies, The Commission converts a value to a company ... are assigned to the Manager's stock option awards for 2010 was the current value of the company is expected to award equal laanala over time. Companies use one of the several formulas to calculate this value. However, the number is only an estimate, what ????? will ultimately depend on the performance of the stock of the company in the years after the granting of the awards of compensation. most of the programs require the administrator to wait for the stock period to receive stock or exercise the options.

Climate change can add more tornadoes

As with any major disaster weather these days--from floods, hurricanes, wildfires tornado outbreak this week in people asking questions about its huge elephant who is lurking in the corner, global climate change.

Two separate studies in 2007 reported that global warming lead to a dramatic increase in frequency of weather severe storms, tornadoes and feed until the end of the 21st century.

One study, in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found places I could see how a 100% increase in the number of days that favor severe storms.

Densely populated areas "of the South and East, including the New York City, Atlanta, can be especially hard-hit," reporting on research leads the author Jeff Trapp of Purdue.

Fuel for the stronger storms will be the predicted warming of the earth caused by burning fuels that emit greenhouse gases.

Although spring is usually more storms stormy, "the highest summer should increase in severe weather," said Trapp. His team reported that by the end of the century will increase the number of days of spring with serious conditions cloudy over the Southern Plains, particularly Florida.

But in the summer, almost all of the eastern half of the country may see an increase in the days and conducive to the more severe storms, with increases in most likely near the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast.

Another study, lead author Tony del Genio, NASA, said Nations of the continent of United States whopper storms are likely to be more in the warmer, moister.

Genio del, "the most powerful storms, severe storms are most powerful tornadoes is likely to happen more often, stronger," he said when the research was published.

With the computer model, Genio del looked that combine forces to make light.

A unique combination of geography and weather patterns have already made the United States tornadoes in the hot spot in the world, severe storms in spring and summer. A large land mass heating on hot days, outlines of the Jet stream of the atmosphere, the wind came off hot humid air in the Rocky Mountains that reaches the Gulf of Mexico each step.

Genio del computer model shows global warming says stronger updrafts, when the spirit moves up and down instead of to the sides.

The paper that he parser appeared in geophysical research letters.

Contributing: associated press

NASA abruptly cancels shuttle launch; Planned liftoff Monday

Cape — NASA abruptly canceled launch of space shuttle endeavour on Friday, destroying what was a historic day that are built with the emotion of the Arizona Republican seriously wounded Gabrielle Giffords, watching her husband command flight next-to-last of the space shuttle.The crew of space shuttle Endeavour leave the Operations and Checkout Building to board the orbiter before the launch was scrubbed due to technical problems. By John Raoux, AP

Space shuttle endeavour crew to leave the operations and checkout to the space shuttle, ??? before launch due to technical problems.

By John Raoux, AP

Space shuttle endeavour crew to leave the operations and checkout to the space shuttle, ??? before launch due to technical problems.

Thermostat is damaged by force helped to delay the launch of at least 72 hours. The most optimistic scenario, launch Director Mike Leinbach said the earliest the ferry will be 2 at 12: 33 p.m. there until Monday. NASA Wednesday to start. If the effort fails to run, the job order will be delayed until May 9th or 10th so that it would conflict with the other missions, including the Atlas v launch, rocket launch from Cape Canaveral, and commercial undocked the Soyuz, Mike, Chairman of the management team of the Mission of the shuttle delay, Giffords disappointed about.But the job safety is the priority implementation, her office said in a statement. "Launch delays that are not with the space shuttle, "he said. "We look forward to rescheduling the task fast scientifically important." Giffords met with President Obama and family first, at the Kennedy Space Center, met with the staff and their families on Friday. By Charles Dharapak, AP

President Obama and his family joined the astronaut Janet Kavandi under the landing of space shuttle Atlantis at Kennedy Space Center Cape Canaveral, Fla.

"Hopefully we can entice him back for another session, Kennedy Space Center Director Robert Cabana said the astronauts will be quarantined. their quarters team or on beach house team up to launch rescheduled. They spend a family who were from, said Cabana. It is clear if Giffords in Florida.Her Office said its travel plans are "not set" Giffords, who is recovering from death in the head, already in since Wednesday to be launching the shuttle, which her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, did not publicly Giffords. Since the assassination attempt on January 8She left her at the Hospital of Houston for the first time to the restoration of the Florida. He had expected to see a liftoff, there were other astronaut families. Friday's liftoff bshba approached dramatically on what appeared a day launch near-perfect: with a helicopter overhead and S.W.A.T team left ??'???, NASA's space shuttle operations center trailer airflow for 10 minutes to play when word reached the Board: The launch of the shuttle endeavour tiptoe. scheduled launch at 3: 47: 16 p.m.Mission Directors decided to cancel afternoon launch. Astronauts, fully dressed in Orange flight suits and their outside of boarding the ferry, had left their operations center just 15 minutes earlier. Obama and his family, a storm destroyed in Alabama to Florida for a launch, touched down at Cape Canaveral's air force, less than an hour later. Instead of watching the launch, they toured the facility and the processing of the space shuttle and was closer to the shuttle Atlantis. Mission Atlantis will launch the final version of the American space program in June 28. Endeavour astronauts, at the end of the airflow, called the Astrovan, and less of effort were seconds so three hours before liftoff planned for 14 days to the international space station, when Friday's launch was read. Astrovan suddenly turned around, making at least 72 hours of hurry-up-and for the team. "You're bored you are concerned, you've done all your training, you're ready to go, "astronaut Rick Mastracchio says of the lead-up to the launch. "It's time to slow."Thermostat, one of two used to prevent freezing, by the gas line is Hashem, Leinbach said. Auxiliary power units with hydrazine fueled, which you can freeze on track. Thermostats should feel the temperature drops, start heating. "It was a failure. We couldn't make her life no matter what we did, "said another Leinbach. heater away up the line" was also showing a funny behavior, "he said."We don't want to commit to a flight with only one heater, "which you leave the ferry terminal at risk for a frozen fuel if the thermostat, Leinbach said. correct the thermostat and ramping up again for the launch will take at least three days, Leinbach said. If the problem is more extensive and involves a switchbox, switching lines towards other delays launch, he said. Testing involves two full switchbox replacing of the tests, he said. for more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Brain off themselves:

Researchers know that sleep deprivation makes people and less functional. Now a team of researchers from Wisconsin and Italy found that rats kept awake past times, their brain begin to turn themselves in, Neuron by neuron, but still awake rat.

Not only, but most neurons that we use during the day are the ones most likely to switch to offline mode.

"It is very worrisome. This means that even before we have a generic symbol of sleepiness, there are local signs of fatigue, have implications for the performance, "said Chiara Cirelli, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison? And one of the researchers.

"It's time I think everyone has changed to a single cell level," says Christopher Colwell, Professor, laboratory of sleep, Circadian medicine at the University of California-Los Angeles-School of medicine. "This research was wise in suggesting a whole new way of thinking about sleep."

Sleep is essential for the health of the physical and mental health of all animals, is clearly visible in the brain. During sleep, slow-wave activity in our brains as neurons in cortex turn themselves and electrically. Wakefulness is when our neurons, spikes on that produces electrical activity.

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison? Laboratory for perceptual Robotics, Pisa, Italy remains the rats until four hours after their bedtimes and measure their brain waves using EEG or electroencephalogram. They found that although the rats were the cities, individual neurons lack off themselves in random. Shut down these neurons, the researchers believe, is why the rats did less well on lmhmir activity in which they were forced to find a pellet of sugar. Their research published this week's Edition of the journal nature.

There is no reason to think that it will not happen in the human brain, also of the group to carry out similar studies and Cirelli in people ready to analyze brain neural pathways that you mapped.

It think it's also probably frequent those neurons. "We have done a number of studies showing neurons use more during the day are the ones who need to go to waking sleep best when you tried. At some point, and we know exactly why, they begin to say ' tired of me. I'm going offline. ""

While many studies done how the brain works when sleeping, when you awake, looking at the functioning of the brain and the brain: this level is new, says Colwell, who wrote a viewpoint about their paper on which is also in nature this week.

"What are you suggest that in the morning, maybe 90% of your cells are in the wake, performing very well," said Colwell. "But you are awake, your cells start off you lose sleep, your performance starts to descend, which can provide an explanation on why we do less better than we were awake."

The country that they describe differently than another report on the effects of sleep deprivation, called ' microsleeps ', when people closed their eyes, suddenly stops responding to stimuli, the brain wave patterns resembling sleep. These last three chapters only up to 15 seconds and when sleep deprived subjects are very similar. This study, rats were held only for four hours to go before their normal sleep so that they were not deprived sleep difficult, just tired. To keep them awake, the researchers provided them with new objects to play with. They videotaped the rats to ensure that they are actually aware at any time.

Such checks at the level of a single neuron requires inserting electrodes into the brain, so they are unlikely to humans. However as the Builder, simulation technology soon will be able to see if the same thing happens in people.

Research means that 35% of Americans who said the Centers for disease control and prevention that are routinely sleep less than seven hours a night also have parts of their brain to go offline, even though they are still awake.

"The message is that you need to take sleep seriously," says Cirelli. "When you start to nod off, it will be too late. Even before that, the motion. Respect the need for sleep. "

To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to

Experts: PlayStation one of the biggest breaches ever

Data breaches that affect 77 million Sony PlayStation Network accounts is one of the largest and most damaging ever, security experts say.Sony Corp.'s headquarters in Tokyo. -Itsuo Inouye, AP

Sony's headquarters in Tokyo.

By Itsuo Inouye, AP

Sony's headquarters in Tokyo.

On Tuesday, Sony showed ??????? was exposed to personal data of users, including names, e-mail addresses, birth dates, logons, passwords and credit card information-potential. The Federal Bureau of investigations now is "reviewing available information about the facts and circumstances," said special agent Darrell Foxworth in San Diego. "It is certainly one of the biggest events in all of this really because of the amount of information requests from users of Sony (PSN) a large enough to allow a lot of activity related to theft, and criminal offline ??"???? Chet Wisniewski, Senior Security Advisor at the Ministry of defence of Sophos. "This type of information that is used to verify our identity for all kinds of services in real life." other than main events – such as payment systems breach 2009, card transaction processing for 100 million a month, and 175,000 merchants violated the TJX Companies 2007, Which involved 94 million credit accounts-PSN event is at least "not less ???"???? Mandeep Khera from Cenzic application security firm, He joined the choir. visitors highlights the response by Sony, which means the unknown injury on April 19, but did not report users to their personal risk, Financial data until Tuesday. "a delay of more than a week could give hackers a watch to take advantage of the customer data Khera says. "Once you know that the cow is in the best interest of the consumers to inform them so that they can take precautions," says Sony Khera. you may not "waiting to find out what really happened and know what they were broke, waiting for forensics before notifying everyone, that is OK caution on the side of their point of viewBut I think for the good of the consumer, earlier ????"???. case" dozens of times larger and more "than the last leak Epsilon of millions of email addresses, says Paul judge, Chief Research Officer on Barracuda."It and its future about this breach is bkonsnzos data is leaked. This provides potential ammunition for almost any type of attack. "Wake of the infringement, account holders must have a PlayStation Network is very careful "not providing any personal data on the Internet or when they receive in e-mail or unsolicited communication," says Joe Gottlieb, CEO of the firm SenSage log management and security information. "Let's say the attackers got only email addresses, "says Gottlieb. "They are going to initiate a campaign to run as if they are Sony sends the e-mail to all their customers alerting people. And then ask them to improve their security against anything that makes this attack by updating their account. A phishing attack, it would go against all these clients. That is probably taking place now. "For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Airport Shuttle operating Friday drawing interest scattered

The nation's eyes are on the space shuttle launch Friday as gravely injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords sends her strapping astronaut husband Mark Kelly into space.

Mark Kelly, commander of the space shuttle Endeavour, arrives at Kennedy Space Center with his fellow crew members in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Tuesday. Kelly's wife, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, left Houston for Cape Canaveral late Wednesday morning. By Chris O'Meara, AP

Mark Kelly, commander of the space shuttle Endeavour, arrives at Kennedy Space Center with his fellow crew members in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Tuesday. Kelly's wife, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, left Houston for Cape Canaveral late Wednesday morning.

By Chris O'Meara, AP

Mark Kelly, commander of the space shuttle Endeavour, arrives at Kennedy Space Center with his fellow crew members in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Tuesday. Kelly's wife, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, left Houston for Cape Canaveral late Wednesday morning.

This next-to-last shuttle flight, unremarkable but for an endearing love story of a congresswoman and an astronaut, is drawing unparalleled public and media interest. Even President Obama and his family will travel to Florida's Kennedy Space Center to watch the launch.

Space program analysts say the flurry of interest is an aberrant blip destined to fade as NASA spends the next decade focused on engineering instead of derring do. After the last space shuttle flies its last mission in June and all four shuttle vehicles are mothballed, manned spaceflight ? NASA's most dramatic program ? takes a long hiatus while NASA scientists and engineers attempt the next big thing on a tight budget.

Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., an astronaut who served as a payload specialist on the space shuttle Columbia, says NASA's potential is unlimited.

"We're going to Mars," he says.

In a speech last year, Obama said NASA's astronauts will go first to an asteroid and then to Mars. Congress in October authorized money for National Aeronautics and Space Administration to develop a heavy lift rocket with the goal of sending astronauts to Mars in 2030.

"The destination and the timetable are still very much in the air," says veteran space analyst Marcia Smith, editor of and former director of the Space Studies Board at the National Academy of Sciences.

The space shuttle Endeavour will leave earth for the last time at 3:47 p.m. Friday under Kelly's command. The crew's most important task on its 14-day mission to the International Space Station is to deliver the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2, a particle physics detector that searches for unusual sub-atomic matter.

Gabrielle Giffords U.S. Congresswoman, D-Ariz.

Office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Endeavour will also deliver spare parts to the space station, including antennae, circuit breaker boxes and an extra arm for the Dextre robot. Crewmembers will take four spacewalks and complete a long list of chores, including swapping out experiments and doing maintenance on the station.

The experiments are exciting, Nelson says. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer will conduct "one of the most sophisticated astronomical experiments around," he says. "It'll absorb cosmic rays. As a result of this, we think we will have a chance of understanding the origins of the universe."

Still, he concedes that it's not the spectrometer that has captured the public's imagination.

The mission "is getting an enormous amount of attention because of Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords, as it should be," Nelson says.

Giffords has been hospitalized since she was shot in the head Jan. 8 while meeting constituents at a Tucson supermarket. Kelly spent weeks at her bedside in a Tucson hospital. Giffords transferred to a rehabilitation hospital in Houston in part so Kelly could resume his mission training.

The couple met on a fellowship to China in 2003 and married in November 2007. Their relationship had often been long distance, as Kelly trained in Houston for his shuttle missions and Giffords traveled between her Arizona congressional district and her duties in Washington. Since they met, she has never missed his launches.

Giffords will attend the launch Friday, watching from a private viewing area inaccessible to the public and media. Kelly, who arrived at Kennedy Space Center Tuesday to prepare for the launch, said he was happy his wife could be there for his last shuttle flight. Kelly has flown three previous missions, twice as a pilot and one as commander.

Media requests are up 70% ? to about 1,500 ? from the previous launch, says NASA spokesman Allard Beutel. He attributes the increased media focus to a number of factors: Giffords, the second-to-last shuttle launch and the president's visit.

The public has also shown interest in the launch, which is scheduled at a family-friendly afterschool time. Kennedy Space Center can accommodate 40,000 people, he said.

"We expect a large crowd outside the gates," Beutel said. "Kids love coming to see the space shuttle."

Giffords is happy about any attention to the space program, says her spokesman C.J. Karamargin.

Karamargin visited with Giffords last week at the Houston rehabilitation hospital. While there, Karamargin received the email confirming that Obama and his family would attend the launch. Karamargin charged into Giffords' hospital room to announce the news.

"It was a great moment," he said. "She smiled broadly and said, 'Awesome.' The president has the power to draw national attention to the space program."

"The congresswoman is one of the most ardent champions of the space program in Congress because of the power it has shown through its history to ignite the curiosity and imagination of America's school children," Karamargin said.

The shuttle program, however, has not ignited the American passion for space the way the Apollo missions once did.

"The shuttle's whole purpose was to make spaceflight routine. It's not jazzy," Smith says. "People don't pay attention until there's some big discovery or some sort of tragedy."

The final space shuttle mission, the launch of Atlantis, is June 28. It, too, will deliver supplies and spare parts to the space station. After that, the shuttles will be delivered to museums. U.S. astronauts will hitch rides to the space station on Russian vehicles, while commercial companies, with seed money from NASA, develop new rockets to transport astronauts into low earth orbit.

"NASA will still have astronauts full time off the planet and on the space station" conducting more than 150 experiments, Beutel said.

It's not at all clear where U.S. manned space program will go next and how it will get there.

The moon, Obama said a year ago in a speech at the Kennedy Space Center, is off the table. "We've been there before," Obama said then. "There's a lot more space to explore."

Obama challenged NASA to design a new "heavy lift" rocket tht can send a crew capsule, propulsion system and large quantities of supplies into deep space by 2016

"By 2025, we expect new spacecraft designed for long journeys to allow us to begin the first-ever crewed missions beyond the Moon into deep space," he said. "We'll start by sending astronauts to an asteroid for the first time in history."

Obama's timetable sends humans to orbit Mars and return safely to earth by the mid-2030s, followed by landing on Mars.

The Mars plan "will rekindle the interest in doing superhuman things like the excitement generated" by the Apollo missions, Nelson said.

The plans are ambitious and will be costly.

The U.S. Human Spaceflight Committee, convened by the White House in 2009 to consider the future of human spaceflight and headed by retired aerospace executive Norman Augustine, concluded the resources allocated to U.S. space exploration fell short of the national aspirations.

"There's no way we're going to have the budget we had during the Apollo era," Beutel says. "We'd love to accelerate the technology, but we've got work within the reality of the budget. It may take us a while to get there, but we're going to get there."

Congress authorized $19 billion for the space program in 2011, $19.45 billion in 2012 and $19.96 billion in 2013.

"People like the shuttle program, they like human spaceflight, they like NASA, they just don't like to pay for it," says Roger Launius, senior curator at the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum who served as chief NASA historian from 1990 to 2002.

The human drama of manned spaceflight helps draw the public to the space program, Launius says. Without a narrative, Launius says, it's hard for people to make a connection.

The combination of Giffords' extraordinary story and the end of the shuttle program has swelled interest and may ultimately help boost political support, said John Logsdon of the George Washington University Space Policy Institute.

"It's going to cause a lot of attention," he said. "It almost forces the president to say something about space."

For Giffords, the launch marks a personal milestone.

"She did not want to miss this event. This is something she must do," Karamargin said. "It's a goal she's been working toward. We're hopeful that the great strides she has made since Jan. 8 will get a great boost from this."

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Friendster is to escape the shadow of Facebook

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — a social networking site Friendster Faded soon you delete almost a decade's worth of user pictures, blog entries and other data in revamp to set it apart from Facebook, company officials said Thursday. "this comprehensive Friendster is designed to help return the semblance of relevance online after being outmuscled by Facebook, Which boasts over 600 million active users. Friendster gained at least 115 million members since 2002, but only about 40 million currently valid e-mail messages and fewer still active users.Friendster e-mail members last week to tell them to save their pictures, profile, and blog posts on other sites by 31 May, said Badron, the spokesman Nor in Singapore. "This is the development of the site to push the boundaries of our business, "and said the associated press. "It is not a direct competition with Facebook. Who wants to compete with Facebook would be crazy. "This is the biggest change to online payment systems since Friendster Malaysian tycoon Vincent Tan of global society with the site in late 2009. The business of retail franchises include Tan in Southeast Asia such as Starbucks-June 7-Eleven, Friendster will. for services provided by Facebook, focusing on a new platform for interaction of social games, music, entertainment, shopping online, and said no members of the friendster can be a social network than by cultivating their unique online identities are different as the realAnd he said. They can connect with people you are, you don't know and share music with them personally or play online games. "We understand there is no need to make photo albums, or replication of status updates on Facebook and Friendster, so this is something completely different, completely new ball game, "rather said. "It is about something not on Facebook you can make on Friendster" largest number of users of the Friendster is currently the Philippines, United States, Malaysia, Philippine, Indonesia, the State manages The company Britain., Nicholas Galicia, said that although demand is free, subscribers will be charged for value-added features such as "virtual gift" friends and enhancements for role playing individual accounts., Card, puzzle and strategy games to at least 80 are available, said Galicia. Publishers are welcome, but Galicia stressed that the company did not look at turning Friendster into "e-Mall."During the two days only after Word surfaced about the new format, Friendster estimates visits jumped 30-35 percent. "It is nice to see people go, "said Galicia. strong team of 65 Philippine friendster preserve and operate the site, he added. Philippine action accounts for 90 percent of the programmers of Friendster, and provides quality assurance, customer service and user interface. Galicia said it plans to extend the current labor force in the penthouse of his financial district of Makati supermarket. Associated Press of ??????? Teves in Manila contributed to this report, Manila.

Jobs, Apple issued denial is tracking iPhone

Breaking seven days of quiet, Apple on Wednesday issued a flat denial that iPhones and iPads systematically of all user log location several times a day, and even CEO Steve jobs out of others publicly to back up this claim medical.AT&T customer Joe Walmsley tries out an Apple iPhone 4 at an AT&T store in Palo Alto, Calif. Paul Sakuma, AP

Clients attempting to exit AT&T Walmsley Joe 4 in iPhone Apple store Palo Alto AT&T, Calif.

Paul Sakuma, AP

Clients attempting to exit AT&T Walmsley Joe 4 in iPhone Apple store Palo Alto AT&T, Calif.

However, complex explanation of the company not to Apple hook from May 10, the Senate hearing to examine the location tracking systems of Apple iPhones, and iPads as well as Google Android devices. "You still have questions about what exactly happened here, and why Apple does what he does," says an amortization schedule in Al mprnkonia, D-Minn., who called the hearing. "And this raised questions over how the locations of mobile devices, they are shared by companies like Apple and Google, and federal laws provide adequate protection as including advanced technology." sentence, Apple says, "the iPhone will not connect your location and interview with the" Wall Street Journal, Stressed that "we're not tracking someone."However, these very narrow setting will hinge on how well ?????? of location tracking, says Pete Warden, who along with fellow British scholar Alan Alasdair, discovered how iPhones keep a log of where the timestamp of each user. On Alan's personal iPhone, they found the archive of historical locations in the United States and Alan visited the United Kingdom over 300. According to its statement, the Apple iPhone now loads of Alan himself did not what Apple considers registry location. What is the phone actually did was pull down location data points from a database maintained by Apple of the hotspots of Wi-Fi and cell towers are warden and Alan works. Bangkok and stumbled upon "the files we have through the anonymous information we collect, from the audience of tens of millions of iPhones out there"He said the mean Journal. Apple continue to send data from Wi-Fi and cell tower all iPhones and iPads. But this only store worth seven days of such information, and stop backing up information to users ' computers when you synchronize devices. Apple will also turn off this service when the user turns off the phone's location services. The company says these "software patches" are going published some bug weeks next. Google has confirmed that she was doing something similar with Android handsets, in fact, top location data users from Android for marketing campaigns. Last week, Google said it receives permission to run all services tracking location of Android, data not paine to individual users. "Apple needs to do much more to explain what he is doing and why, will be a good start for Steve jobs to appear bashmiaa, "says John Simpson, the speaker timer. For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Whether the investment in the airport shuttle will have to pay?

After 133, 14 astronauts have lost two tragic accidents, almost four decades of the space shuttle, NASA's head of museums after the end of the year's last two tasks.Endeavour glides toward a landing on Kennedy Space Center's Runway 15 in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Jan. 20, 1996. The shuttle's final flight is set for Friday. File image by NASA, via AP

Endeavour moved toward a landing at Kennedy Space Center's runway 15 at Cape Canaveral, Fla., on 20 January 1996. The final flight of the shuttle is set for Friday.

Image by NASA, via AP

Endeavour moved toward a landing at Kennedy Space Center's runway 15 at Cape Canaveral, Fla., on 20 January 1996. The final flight of the shuttle is set for Friday.

So what did we get for 113.7 billion that NASA had been spent on the ferry? A dream of the century-long, reusable space plane, winged sold by the Agency as a successor to the Apollo missions of the period of the Moon race in the early 1970s. Compromises such as increasing the packet airport shuttle to hold the military satellites of budget cuts and the promise of making space travel cheap, frequent and comfortable, says historian Roger Launius of the national air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. "The history of the space shuttle is biting off more than we can chew," says Roger Pielke Jr., a policy analyst at the University of Colorado. Nature journal estimates, was the real cost Pielke rest of program at 192 billion from 1971 until 2010 (more than an agency only partially due to adjustments for inflation), or about 1.5 billion per session. In 1972, NASA estimated that every $ 10 activation. 4million. says Pielke: "However, you can add it, it was a very expensive commitment." "Economically, you cannot make an argument for it," says economist Henry Hertzfeld of the space policy Institute at George Washington University. Originally, the plan was to perform dozens of launches each year, download the operating costs. His busiest year, 1985, with nine launches, ferry contributed to the loss of the Challenger seven astronauts the next year, according to the investigation. from 1981 to today, the space shuttle experiments carried about 2,300 space, says NASA spokeswoman Stephanie Schierholz. one of the most citedSays David Pendlebury of the science information service Thomson Reuters, is the study of the pants "1996 anti-shock" used to measure fitness astronaut. Overall, the achievements of the ferry's 10th rank calculation science news, which ties the scientific discoveries since 1973 individual space agency programs. First in this list with more than six times as many discoveries of Technologically Telescope. Hubble, the shuttle which progress, says physicist Luc Sollitt of Citadel Charleston, s.c.: NASA is keeping the liquid rocket engines the reusable space shuttle for upcoming, For example. And it allowed for construction of International Space Station. For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

A color update improves the device, the point

Barnes Noble & deployed a thin border color tried to corner his since launching it as "a call" in November. Bookseller is a hybrid between a color e-reader Kindle such as conventional of Amazon's more versatile high-tablet PC such as the Apple iPad.The Nook Color. Barnes and Noble

Color of the corner.

Barnes and Noble

Color of the corner.

Next week, Barnes Noble & begins to squeeze free major update, that the author is to expand the appeal corner color and inch closer to its tablet brethren, which are built on the Android platform, Google's mobile software, and update automatically come to The iPad. devices corner color using Wi-Fi for several weeks. Users also get it manually in The upgrade brings new applications, e-mail, Web and video update of Adobe Flash for Android under takes it to 2.2 Froyo. Barnes Noble & also launches social network application corner members, still in beta, that allows exchanging books and recommendations with friends while raising corner color. improves overall device fall-I was (with reservations), and there is no wrong: it remains first-reader device, there is no substitute for anyone with multimedia formats on your tablet. It uses another coat of Poland. Browsing, even with such Add-ons "Kurt-to-zoom, Flash, it is grim. I have a few cold and vaatri. For all its promise, Barnes Noble & has a long way to go in front of the apps, too, at $249, the corner is definitely carries price-caps such as fetching as compared with the iPad, which costs at least twice more. I'm not aware of a less expensive Android. of course, the corner is more expensive than its rival the most natural, Kindle, which is now on $114 with advertisements.Is basically a summary of hiswith its 7-inch monitor, the color of a corner was a dedicated reader mainstream first to offer full-color touch screen, something Amazon has not yet been introduced in the wind. Color corner also came with features such as the novel ability to highlight text in a book you read, and share the passage on Twitter or Facebook. You can lend books, too, although relatively few, with rigorous restrictions. attractive color display of the main reason was always a choice over the Kindle. Amazon retains the important advantages, but, especially in the life of the battery, which you can go to a month, compared to eight hours for the color of a corner. And color corner can 3 g wireless, as it appears on the Kindle, for the purchase of more than 2 million digital titles on the fly when the Wi-Fi is not available. color corner was originally loaded with a handful of applications, including Internet radio Pandora, a music playerPhoto Gallery, and games such as Sudoku, crossword and Chess As part of the update., Barnes Noble & adds to the collection but only modestly, with a total of about 140, blip only 65,000 native iPad applications. Given the troubles in the corner, Android, Android market is not press to purchase these applications or get free Barnes Noble & concedes that not going to have the largest offer of application but expects hundreds more in the coming weeks and months. This has made it easy for developers to Android apps to the corner it says I ordered the initial is what users have been requesting. current collection of free applications including calendar, notes, or tasks. Most applications for sale cost $5.99 or less, a store that is accessible on the device. From there, you can read or write reviews, view screenshots and application contacts, Facebook friends or Twitter followers. a small selection of favorites include several color corner, particularly angry birds, list of shopping & Epicurious recipes. But the final cost $ 4.99 to the corner. He is free on iPad, but with ads.Snags: couldn't find a calendar application to download by typing the word "calendar" in the search box. I found it by typing the name of the actual application: the calendar of Fliq. Barnes Noble & says that he was working on a fix. I also have problems installing angry birds until I removed the tiny memory card that came with the device. Barnes Noble & since this bug should be fixed. Meanwhile, when I first launched the HD, Gameloft $ 4.99 Ono said strange message, "the game requires more data (5.37 MB) to activate your phone.," recently I checked is not phone corner corner was originally a hit among children because of its color, read-aloud feature some books. There are 15 "to read, play" new with animations and activities for children. All in all, Barnes Noble & digital picture books of more than 350 children corner and a 12,000 more ... I completed my initial review of the color of a corner by an offer which remains invisible "how well does extend Barnes Noble & can turn color as a tablet." Barnes Noble & is in the right directionBut still there are some holes hidden corner.The bottom linecorner (after the update) $249 version 1.2; 3 stars (out of four)Pro: update brings the apps, Adobe Flash video, e-mail, and more to color touchscreen e-reader.Con: browsing remains so-so. Deficient, slow at times. Search and other features to be fine-tuned. Relatively few applications. for more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sony introduces the tablets, compete with Apple offers

Tokyo — Sony planning a tablet with a touch panel is similar to Apple's iPad for later this year and make the most of the Japanese manufacturer hiitronot gadgetry and entertainment.Sony Corp.'s prototype tablet code-named S1 is shown in Tokyo Tuesday, April 26, 2011. It comes with a 9.4 inch display for enjoying online content, such as movies, music, video games and electronics books, and for online connections, including email and social networking. Koji Sasahara, AP

A prototype of Sony S1 named code is shown in Tokyo Tuesday, April 26, 2011. It comes with the 9.4 inch monitor to enjoy online content such as movies, music, video games and Internet connections, and electronics, including email, social networks.

Koji Sasahara, AP

A prototype of Sony S1 named code is shown in Tokyo Tuesday, April 26, 2011. It comes with the 9.4 inch monitor to enjoy online content such as movies, music, video games and Internet connections, and electronics, including email, social networks.

The product code named S1, shown Tuesday in Tokyo, comes with 9.4 inch monitor to enjoy online content such as movies, music, video games and Internet connections, and electronics, including email, social networks, Sony Electronics boasts the. and entertainment divisions, also displayed S2Small, portable with two 5.5 inch you like views. He did not give prices. But Senior Vice President of Sony Kunimasa Suzuki said that they would be competitive when they go on sale worldwide steamed to September. Both run Android 2.0 operating system Google's message on the suggestions link. net key Sony comes as he tries to fix its PlayStation Network outage, offering music online and games. vague when that starts playback. Sony has blamed the "external intrusion, including getting it" would have to rebuild its system to add security measures, to strengthen the infrastructure of its Suzuki said two tablets of the last feature of Sony "saku saku", or nifty technology that allows access to the smooth and quick online content and get the browsers work almost immediately after the impact. "We offer what is unique to Sony, "said Suzuki after demonstrating how to S1 is designed with elegant, tapered ??????"???. "The devices connect to Sony's cloud computing based on content such as movies and music, as well as the Sony PlayStation video game is suitable for running Android and Sony Reader digital books, said the company Sony, making your PC vkonsolt card games PlayStation 3Some of its lost glory of the past symbolized the past Cook Walkman portable music player that which bbdrchim personal music in the 1980s, catapulting the Japanese company into a household name around the world is struggling against some opponents and more efficient, including Apple's iPhone with us, IPod and iPad, as well as Samsung Electronics Co. of South Korea, where Sony acquires liquid-crystal displays, a central component in flat TVs. Suzuki said that sony was not expected to beat the control of Apple tablets "number ????"??? was lidiotino to be no. 2. "There are many people who bought the iPad, "he told a press conference at the Tokyo headquarters. "These products are symbolic for Sony and the direction towards the ???????."Apple, based in Cupertino, sold 19.5 million iPads via the most recent quarter. Goldman Sachs report estimates ????? will hold a joint order of 64 percent from the calendar.Sony has already promised successor to its PlayStation Portable for late this year, code named NGP for next generation mobile "," guarantee the quality of the home console machine on the road to double the size of screen boasting smartphones. popularity of smartphones including the iPhone already a Sony Kazuo Hirai added., Promoted in March continued Consumer Services Division, Sony, Sony's strategy has always been said about the combination of hardware, software, networking to make consumers ?????? was the target of S1, S2. "There is no change to this approach," he said.

Copyright 2011 associated press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

I.Q. scores did not predict success in a lot of motivation

I.Q. scores mostly reveal the human motivation test-who do well on the test, especially for low-to-last, offers a series of experiments.

"One of the strongest social science of the 20th century is a Zionist intelligence (IQ) to predict a wide range of results, including academic performance, years of education, health, longevity and performance of the work," begins the mala of National Academy of Sciences, led by psychologist Angela Duckworth Lee of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

However, researchers have long known that instead of measuring intelligence directly, I.Q. tests, "on the other hand, measure the performance of tests designed to evaluate intelligence," write the study authors. In other words, they discover how good people are logging I.Q. tests, which test-people may, or may differ, you care about. "We are individual differences in totals bets hypothesis-test of motivation are, in fact, much larger than currently assumed in social sciences."

Therefore, they decided to I.Q. test.

In the study, the researchers first looked at the test results among the boys, some 1,879 for good examination results and others offered. "Azrhio, a dose-response was observed between the size of a systematic and IQ scores ?????," the researchers write. In other words, offer more dough boys were suddenly much smarter, somehow.

But what about the I.Q. test prophecy success later in life? The researchers tried to isolate motivated bambhn by trained observers, "rate test of motivation among children of adolescent intelligence tests are completed with 250 video sample of thin-slice 15 minutes."

Life histories of boys show that:

"Specifies the IQ predicted results, including academic performance in adolescence and criminal convictions, employment, and years of education and early adulthood. (But) after adjusting the effect of motivation test, however, the validity of the intelligence for prediction of life was significantly reduced results, especially for nonacademic outcomes, "the researchers found. In other words, children are taken to the school tests tend to stay in school. But that doesn't mean much in terms of being good at your work, the researchers found, even though they add that it is still important intelligence:

It is important not to overstate our conclusions. For all the permutations is measured on study of the predictive validity of 2 intelligence remained statistically significant when controlling for base inspection attributes nonintellective motivation. Moreover, the validity of predicting intelligence was significantly stronger than it was an achievement motivation test for predicting academic. In addition, two IQ studies 1 and 2 indicate that the test higher motivation among the participants are less variable than average in the measured. These findings suggest that benefit from high IQ requires a high degree of intelligence, in addition to the high motivation. Lower IQ scores, however, may result in lower intelligence or lack of motivation. Therefore, considering the maximal performance closer examination, motivation is a serious threat to internal validity less by using examples of IQ studies, such as college students, a popular convenience for research sciences. Test motivation hell a third variable is less likely when experiments to provide incentives for performance-significant or representative when test results influence directly the test run (e.g., intelligence test used for employment decisions or orders.)

However, they note, many fans of the I.Q. test, best book of 1994, bell curve, which sought to link race grades, "rejected the term" fire on children in the poor inner city mobility may do well on I.Q. tests. Low motivation may explain some of the poor student performance of United States international tests of academic achievement and, they offer.

What intelligence tests to check? Motivation test of the mind. Why is this a problem? Because motivation test low-stakes experts in intelligence, partially the result can be the hell associations IQ. Our conclusions may come as no surprise that psychologists who conduct themselves in intelligence tests. Where is the problem, in our view, is the interpretation of IQ scores by economists, sociologists and psychologists research who has not witnessed the variation in test of motivation from Sunday. These social scientists assume that erringly always low IQ score indicates low intelligence. As pioneers in testing the intelligence pointed out long ago, this is not necessarily true.

To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to

Google logo honors John James Audubon

Live covers technology, electronics, and computers on the Internet, with an emphasis on innovative technology that has a real impact on your life. Our reporters and editors-in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, Washington, news and tips-offer to help you make the most of your digital domain. More information about the team

Google garage workshops and tech replants its roots

Mountain view, Calif. — any food free, accrue in working on Google Inc., "there's a lot of people don t have to know even: a collection of workshops and high-tech that Eden tinkerer 's.In this photo taken April 12, 2011, a workshop space created for Google employees is seen in Mountain View, Calif. Marcio Jose Sanchez, AP

On April 12, 2011, this space workshop created for Google seems mountain, Calif.

Marcio Jose Sanchez, AP

On April 12, 2011, this space workshop created for Google seems mountain, Calif.

Work on their computer screens, which chairs the Ministry to the traces, branch, and the expensive machines, they won t find the Home Depot. Besides building contraptions with a clear business purpose, Google employees use shops for fun: they create the holiday decorations, elaborate woodwork for them in homes and sometimes the dream as big as engineers working on the rickshaw with a wingspan of 100-ft. Google Workshops are ??????? of Larry page, who founded Google with Sergey Brin rented garage. Authorized workshops page opened 2007 to attempt to connect the company with its roots.Google, which saved the participants confidential until Tuesday, the associated press gave an exclusive tour of shortly after the page takes up the role of the original General Manager on April 4, ???????? offer a glimpse into the ways to make the page to try to work with energy and creativity on the Internet giant's entrepreneur Association of garage. The company believes a 13 page, you need to start thinking and acting like a luhmanit facing competition with younger Internet stars such as Facebook, Twitter, There is a feeling Groupon. here at Google, that all the good things in the garage, said Greg Butterfield, engineering lab manager that monitors the workshops. Larry wanted to create the same kind of environment they started and Sergey from Google a playground sandbox or their ideas I Originally called Pi., a geeky shop is open only to very few privileges among Google's 26,300 workers. To get a value, employees must pass the test includes questions such as When you saw the band, what speed use to cut aluminium? There are four separate rooms for metal, wood, welding, electronics situated in an isolated corner of Google's 4.3 million-square-foot headquarters equipment Besides the Mountain View performance., cutter, plasma total oscilloscope miter saw, there's also a children s toys. One piece of gadgetry is now under construction in complex material that partly Legos this page previously were used to build an inkjet printer, years before creating The Google projects have emerged from the workshops. include giant tricycle that was designed to ????? around 250 kilograms of high-tech equipment. Trikes are used to provide the online mapping service company s with other streets and areas that are inaccessible by cars also used the shops. engineers to work on an early prototype of smartphones running Google's Android software, other products still under development, which the company refused to discuss the Google staff., Use, store personal purposes. Ideas percolating in workshops are so unpredictable employees are asked to drop leftover metal or other detritus in the project may fit the Junk someone s. During a recent visit to the AP 's, a pair of old axles, wheel tailgate rust off from weld shop. You were never know what you're going to find here, said Butterfield. you may only place Google isn t in Silicon Valley where the encoding computer engineers can show off their industry. A project called TechShops selling memberships from $ 100 per month for use in radar-machinery heavy wood, metal, plastic and textiles. Besides the San Francisco Bay area, which also operates TechShops, free workshops for all staff, N.C.Google s, like almost all perquisites company s. But the workshops are exclusive to much more than Google's and other benefits must be qualified personnel to operate the machines before they are issued a tag to enter. Screening falls usually lrodni Broome, 63, a veteran who teaches machinist craft near the San Jose City College when isn t is as busy as foreman of Google's I feel like workshops. I run my own company within the company, said Broome. just as they do when they try to get hired at GoogleEmployees need to undergo a test,. About 300 employees of Google have confirmed so far. Most of them engineers, although few have tags that work in sales.Broome said there were no injuries in the workshops so far. strict screening so their college studies mechanical engineering wasn t enough for the software engineer Google Ihab Awad. He attended a local school division living wood for a semester before high s earn elimination Broome s. Awad also won approval for equipment for Broome's welding. the greatest achievement in his so far: bar in the form of missiles equipped with keg to pour a beer at the end of a long day in The office are the overlap of the No. 1 mine on Google, Awad said the break from welding. The main reason I Googler for They re life.

Copyright 2011 associated press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Yahoo buys social TV application IntoNow

SUNNYVALE, Calif (AP) — Yahoo buy the maker of the mobile software that makes it easier for people to let their friends know what you're watching TV.The deal to buy IntoNow is part of Yahoo's effort to provide more information-sharing services. -

The deal to buy IntoNow is part of Yahoo's effort to provide more information sharing services.

None of the

The deal to buy IntoNow is part of Yahoo's effort to provide more information sharing services.

The deal to buy IntoNow, announced Monday, is part of Yahoo's effort to provide more information sharing services. The company, which is based in Sunnyvale, Calif., trying to give people more reasons to stay on the website and services rather than the increasingly popular online hangouts such as Facebook, Twitter. Financial condition is unknown.IntoNow also allows viewers to identify their favorite TV commercials, a feature that may open ways for Yahoo to sell more of its Web video ads ... Despite its website still ranks among the common goals of the Internet, growth of Yahoo's ad not kept pace with the rest of the Web. "??'??? have pain Yahoo stock priceThat the company has been in doldrums balked at a chance to sell itself to Microsoft for 33, before any dollar almost three years. Yahoo shares gained 41 cents, or 2.4 percent, $17.26 on Monday early afternoon as investors reacted to the speculation of recent struggles of the company may run to occupation of the Palestinian village.IntoNow, a Palo Alto based, Calif., has seven employees. Session three months is run by a man, who had worked previously on Kahn-MTV Google and Viacom.

Copyright 2011 associated press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

First impressions: the gears of war Beta 3 "

Let me introduce you to the sawed off shotgun. He is a member of the best ... And your worst enemy.

In an environment where characters like its sponges to absorb damage, it is a weapon to use. Up close, one shot, thud!: has just notched a kill.

But beware: this one after shot, you must suffer the slow reloading process leaves you open to all kinds of balls a return old-fashioned feel it.

On Monday, his epic games open beta for a third person shooter 3 gears of war. After several rounds of multiplayer games, the experience proved to be quite entertaining.

Here's a quick summary of the availability of this post: three types of maps and correspondence, team deathmatch, King of the Hill. Each map has a unique set of weapons, items, such as the minigun Thrashball map or Scorcher in the old city.

In team Deathmatch, two groups of six players Duke it among the best of three. Each team has 15 respawns, lives in the first team to eliminate the other wins. King Hill requires players to capture and hold points on the map, sanity up points. The team with the winning points at the end of it.

Team Deathmatch was enough, and really not wildly in other shooters. King Hill was more interesting, especially because the players use the more coordination and to protect or to locations.

After adjusting all players earn experience points and actions of space (number, number of abortions melee). New degrees lead to unlocks such as skins for the new characters, weapons and other items. It is not clear if fresh weapons are part of Kai.

In General, combat is a traditional Gears of War. Players should take advantage of the gate or get shredded by gunfire of the enemy. Using continuous and roadie run (twist) equally important, since these characters lumbering across normal speeds mapping. And don't forget to reload the active, which allows players to speed up the minigame weapon reloads and treats small damage.

Proposed weapons include Hammerburst Lancer-traditional version of the bayonet, retro with chainsaw bayonet standard-rifle, shotgun Gnasher sawed off shotgun mentioned above.

Lancer feels easier to use, and adds the bonus of a chainsaw attachment, but the sawed off is definitely the most powerful weapon, and is one of the most frequently, based on my experience.

Close-quarters combat element has always been an interesting and sometimes funny--Gears of War. Among all the moves and other tricks, sidesteps, I can't tell if I'm trying to kill the opponent or break-dance.

So far, beta gear of war 3 was enjoyable after that – adjusting to quickly figure out how to Dodge, back attacks shotgun.

Readers, who played the beta? What do you think?

Netflix is 3.6 million customers in Q1

San Francisco — Netflix contained another rousing performance in the first quarter, its video subscription service to attract more customers to 3.6 million to increase the audience in the United States to about the same size as America's leading cable television,The Netflix logo.<br /> company ?"????? by Paul Sakuma AP

Logo of Netflix.

By Paul Sakuma, AP

Logo of Netflix.

But the achievements were overshadowed by NAB announced Monday a disappointing forecast for the current quarter, a period when the growth of subscription to Netflix's always slows down that people take vacations, and much more.Outlook cautious investors pause over some already concerned that the revenue be squeezed as the company Netflix s facing more competition in the market for Internet video streaming. Netflix's streaming success at the beginning of the movie and TV shows through high-speed Internet connections have anti-tank of a leaf of the company's stock price by about eightfold since the end of The 2008 shares two retreating backtracked, $13.27, or 5.3 percent, to 238.40 on extending trade after Netflix's Q1 numbers and outlook export. After more than 3 million customers in the second quarter in a rowNetflix ended March, 23.6 million subscribers in the United States and Canada. Athletes, amounted to a million are in the USA the same number of households subscribing to Comcast's cable TV service at the end of December. ?"????? is scheduled to release its numbers March next week, when the reports first quarter results.Netflix, which is based in Los Gatos, is now part of the Entertainment menu in one at households. What s USA five very clear love Netflix streaming is consumers, Reed Hastings, CEO, said in an interview Sunday, said this. Hastings, he doesn t view Netflix as a threat to the ?"?????. He believes that most consumers still consider cable TV to be more critical than streaming video as a result, he has been trying to place a Netflix's streaming video service that can help such as the ?"????? and other cable pull and save additional subscriptions for their high-speed Internet services.Some Internet service providers begin to crack heavy users of Netflix's streaming service by threatening to impose an additional cost to households that exceed certain limits downloads. Netflix responded to new limits imposed by Rogers Communications Inc. in Canada by programming his service ever in this country, so that devour smaller bandwidth. Netflix earned 60.2 million, or $ 1.11 any, in the first quarter. It was up to 87 percent of 32.3 million, or 59 cents in any, at the same time last year the results were 2 cents ... any above average estimate among analysts surveyed by FactSet. Revenue rose 46% 719 million about 13 million, above analyst estimates. monthly stream Netflix charges $ 8 movies and TV shows over high-speed Internet connections. Most customers pay a little more each month, they also rent Dvds delivered by mail. Company's price was almost $ 12 subscription in the first quarter from the previous year, an average $12.90, management and programming of additional laliot as stop customers rented DVDs The company is trying to nudge its. subscription video stream more often to help lower its expenses. In the process, hopes to make more money to Netflix to buy more compelling material for its streaming library, now there are more than 20,000 titles. Netflix has spent 192 million dollar rights flow in the first quarter, nearly quadrupling the amount spent at the same time last year the success of the company's ... Netflix machlla to extend the streaming service Canada last fall. Netflix plans to enter a different name to market outside the United States in the second half of the year, and then move into another country at the beginning of next year, Netflix expects. normally its growth the fine off in spring and summer. Management is another gear for 1.3 million up to 2.25 million subscribers in the second quarter, improving over a million last year s duration during the period April-June. The company projected revenue in the second quarter as $1.15 any, below the average analyst estimate of $1.19, according to FactSet.

Copyright 2011 associated press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More confusion now swirls around Google, Apple tracking

Google and Apple are taking Tiger Woods approach on crisis communications.Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S, left, , which runs on Google's Android operating system, and Apple's iPhone 4. By Ahn young-John, AP

The electronics Samsung Galaxy S, left, which runs on Google's Android operating system, Apple iPhone 4.

By Ahn young-John, AP

The electronics Samsung Galaxy S, left, which runs on Google's Android operating system, Apple iPhone 4.

Tech giants continue to say very little about the controversy roiling over recent disclosures that iPhones and Android keep track of all where user's every day. "This arrogance demonstrated with mgpon is very strong, "said Michael Robinson, Senior Vice President of Levick strategic communications. "They say, ' who are we? '"Apple has refused to issue any statement; The company has ignored a USA Today interview requests and my voice. Google usually issues a comprehensive blog post written by a Senior Manager to explain gaffes. This time, however, the company issued a statement asserting a sentence three is permission to run any position Android tracking services, location data is not paine individual users Apple iPhones and iPads have been sold since June 2010 to collect stamp location coordinates often as every few minutes and stores them in a file that can be accessed easily by anyone in possession of the device. Google goes one step further. For some time now, phones Android has not only been collecting location data, they've also transmits them back to Google for advertising campaigns. If you stay silent, Apple and risk losing control of the message to the same location tracking technology embedded into popular iPhones and Android devices that mainly maliciousSays Robinson, that advises executives on Wall Street executives and politicians in the United States. "Crisis, you want to communicate and set the story before it's been for you," he says. "Mute only the fear of speculation." Ed Markey, D Congress-Assistant, is one of the people concerned. Markey calls for investigation of Congress of both companies and locked position; Privacy advocates are rallying around Markey, another critic, reflective mprnkonia El, D-Minn. "consumers want their smartphones outsmarting them or their children," said Jeffrey Chester, Executive Director for the Center for digital democracy, a wave of civil claims for invasion of privacy.Franken at the end of the hearing Mondayannounced 10 may protect the privacy of mobile Apple and Google asked to testify. Separately, the Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan called for a meeting with representatives of Apple and Google about the location of the trace, privacy Bill of rights proposed milestone recently by an amortization schedule John Kerry, D-Assistant and reflective John McCain, R-Ariz, probably will be strengthening, says Michael Fertik, CEO and founder vshilot "McCain Kerry gives more control over the information but should include mobile privacy features Specifically, says Fertik. "Politically, it is a universal problem. If you are a Liberal, apparently you don't like people to take your data without your consent. If you are a conservative apparently you don't like invasion of privacy. If you bag, apparently you don't like that the data are taken without your knowledge or consent. "As this issue is brought to life, then it will be of the internal workings of a smartphone. Last fall, student researchers at Duke and Penn, with help from Intel, in the light of the results of an experiment in which they found 15 of 30 popular apps Android sent systematically ad networks location data in a variety of formats. researchers randomly selected apps from the free programs to download and are listed in the news, Weather, entertainment and social network application, Android market is the official repository monitored by Google They discovered that some of the apps transmitted information only when you view the ads, while others have done so even when the user was not running the application. Some of the transmitted information as often as every 30 seconds. "We found it surprising location information was shared with the ad without explanation or notice, Jaeyeon Jung, "said one, who is working on a follow-up experiment. Similarly, additional information about the location of the iPhone are coming to light tracking system. With Apple keeping silence, the Wall Street Journal ran a test appearance iPhones to collect and store location information even when location services are turned off. "Still not found how to respond to the tech flaws privacy, "says John Mayer, researcher at the center of the Stanford for Internet and society. "No, you can't ignore them. Yes, you get roughed up to know them and manipulate them. "For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Nintendo Wii successor for 2012

Nintendo prepares to expose its successor very successful Wii console overall durable that latest sales pushed the company's profits for the year straight.A young girl shows off Nintendo's newest computer game console, Nintendo 3DS in Tokyo. -Koji Sasahara, AP

A young girl shows off the latest Nintendo game machine, Nintendo 3DS formats in Tokyo.

By Koji Sasahara, AP

A young girl shows off the latest Nintendo game machine, Nintendo 3DS formats in Tokyo.

Published details about system chach-name of the video game, but the model will be displayed in an upcoming bakspo entertainment in June in Los Angeles. The system is for sale in stores in a video game of the year 2012. The announced plans for a new game, along with the results of its financial year the fiscal year which ended March 31. The Wii video game system remains expensive; Nintendo sold Wiis 86 million since 2006. But sales have declined recently, and as a result, the firm's second year of financial data sales disappointing. from Wii sank 20 million in fiscal 2010 and 15 million in 2011. Similarly, sales of the Nintendo DS handheld fell from 27 to 17.5 million. Nintendo has reported an annual profit of 946.7 million, down from the previous year-66%. Revenue of 12.3 billion represented a decrease of 29% from the previous year. Nintendo expecting to grow 5.2% year. Financials were it, says analyst Michael Pachter of Wedbush securities. In addition to hardware sales to be worse than expected, sales were down slightly, the games too. Nintendo hopes that the new hardware will help stimulate growth, while sales of new home system that were not included in its financial forecasts. The latest system and 3DS formats handheld sold 3.6 million units since its release in Japan in February and March in the United States, Europe and Australia. He forecasts sales of 16 million per year in the coming fiscal year for home as new President of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata said news that we want to offer Bloomberg a new approach to home video game consoles with the successor of the Wii remote. Nintendo could render your system first generation market. Microsoft and Sony continue to see solid sales for Xbox 360 vpliistiishn 3. The new Terminal A will jump to product launches console Nintendo racing from Microsoft, Sony, I m so optimistic about the outlook for the near term: Nintendo s in the Middle, says analyst research from Dr. Billy Pidgeon. But doesn t necessarily be first success Pachter said. It's going to be cool HD Wii controller, or it's going to promote the technology to truly next generation, he says. The former is a bit late; The last is problematic, as it won t likely to attract a lot of third party support. While Nintendo mother about the Middle, it has continued research and development on dalim Protocol agent. "we, we begin to think about the next," said Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime earlier this year. But we won t start a new system to Mario creator Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto, President of Mr. Satoru Iwata Nintendo has great game concept we can t be with an existing console. For more information about reprints & permissions, visit our FAQ. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.