Sunday, May 1, 2011

Amazon launches store song 69 St

Los Angeles (AP) — Amazon this week launched a store that sells digital songs for 69 cents, to bring more people to its Web site on e-commerce, to strengthen his plan ultimately require people to store tunes on remote servers as the cloud.The Amazon Cloud Player. Aaazon

Amazon Cloud player.


Amazon Cloud player.

Have it cut the price blihid to 69 cents in the past, but this is the first time is dedicated to the page. Some 200 songs out of 15 million available were the prices of the truncated 69 cents Friday., which included 26 top 40 songs, artists such as Katy Perry, Jennifer Lopez, Black Eyed Peas. Other songs are priced as high as $1.29 infanta. Craig paper, Music Director, said cutting prices creates a "halo effect" helps music sales and improves engine recommendation of music. "This will strengthen that lasts to the future, "he said after an introduction to pricing music discounted Seattle-based company in March of the Amazon Cloud and Amazon Cloud, which allow people to store music on its servers, and play tunes through mobile users-Google Android operating system. people with an Amazon get 5 GB of free storage. Songs that are bought are not counted toward the bahnot Dome, but the paper said ?????? were designed to work together. "All of this ties into the experience of getting them to discover and buy and listen to more music, so that it is all together, "he said.

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