Sunday, May 1, 2011

Amazon launches store song 69 St

Los Angeles (AP) — Amazon this week launched a store that sells digital songs for 69 cents, to bring more people to its Web site on e-commerce, to strengthen his plan ultimately require people to store tunes on remote servers as the cloud.The Amazon Cloud Player. Aaazon

Amazon Cloud player.


Amazon Cloud player.

Have it cut the price blihid to 69 cents in the past, but this is the first time is dedicated to the page. Some 200 songs out of 15 million available were the prices of the truncated 69 cents Friday., which included 26 top 40 songs, artists such as Katy Perry, Jennifer Lopez, Black Eyed Peas. Other songs are priced as high as $1.29 infanta. Craig paper, Music Director, said cutting prices creates a "halo effect" helps music sales and improves engine recommendation of music. "This will strengthen that lasts to the future, "he said after an introduction to pricing music discounted Seattle-based company in March of the Amazon Cloud and Amazon Cloud, which allow people to store music on its servers, and play tunes through mobile users-Google Android operating system. people with an Amazon get 5 GB of free storage. Songs that are bought are not counted toward the bahnot Dome, but the paper said ?????? were designed to work together. "All of this ties into the experience of getting them to discover and buy and listen to more music, so that it is all together, "he said.

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Astronauts looking forward, the future of space

Kennedy Space Center, Fla. — such as the tick of the clock with countdown toward the Mission of the shuttle mission's final action today shuttle program of NASA astronauts in June, saying they are nostalgic about the past, hope for the future of the space.The crew of the space shuttle Endeavor stands together on Launch Pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Thursday. From left: Michael Fincke, Andrew Feustel, Greg H. Johnson, Mark Kelly, Roberto Vittori and Greg Chamitoff. By Kim Shiflett, NASA, via AP

A team of space shuttle Endeavor's launch pad 39A on Kennedy Space Center, in the Fla, on Thursday. Left: Michael Fink, Andrew Feustel, Greg h. Johnson, Mark Kelly, Roberto Vittori and Greg Chamitoff.

By Kim Shiflett, NASA, via AP

A team of space shuttle Endeavor's launch pad 39A on Kennedy Space Center, in the Fla, on Thursday. Left: Michael Fink, Andrew Feustel, Greg h. Johnson, Mark Kelly, Roberto Vittori and Greg Chamitoff.

"I am working on the space shuttle for 24 years, more than half my life so I'm going to miss it," says astronaut Rick Mastracchio, who has flown three shuttle missions and logged almost 40 days in the field, including six spacewalks scheduled effort to run 50. p.m. today, Kennedy Space Center. NASA begins filling the ferry tank fuel in external experts Task 6:22 morning, monitoring weather goat across the South, predicted a chance of 70% of the operating condition of positive despite the threat of storms along the coast of Florida, a small brush fire smoldered 3 miles from the launch. NASA's test Director Jeff Spaulding said he expected 45,000 people to see the Kennedy Space Center And 700,000 to pour into Brevard County. President Obama and his family will participate in the launch along with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz, who was shot at the top of the month 8 and her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly and mission. "This is a historic launch, "said Spaulding. Finish a airport shuttle 28 June, with the launch of Atlantis gave seed money. NASA to develop commercial rockets to transport cargo and people into a number of companies. The development is expected to take five to seven years, leaving a space transportation for the astronauts to commercial vehicles in the United States. ready for human team, NASA astronauts will rely on the Russian Soyuz capsule to the International Space Station and begins week. Next, Mastracchio, who has been studying Russian for several yearsFollowing his training, abandoned six months on the international space station in 2013. He runs out of Kazakhstan in a Soyuz. "For me, the feeling of disappointment that the launch of people into everyday do something we do, "says astronaut Stan love, who joined the space program in 1998 flew aboard Atlantis to the international space station mission 24. Love performed two spacewalks to help join the Columbus laboratory module of the European Space Agency station, however, he says that he was excited about the future of space program. Watching for news of the endeavour, the Alpha magnetic spectrometer, which capture and analyze particles-atoms. "This can tell us something about the origin of the universe, "love said. "Reality is 10 times more than the imagination" for more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Juggernaut Apple world tech ripples through

New York — consumer technology companies reporting financial results look like this week in a row following the supertanker of Apple.customer looks at the new white iPhone 4 at the Apple store in Palo Alto, California. By David Morris, Paul Scher

The client is looking for on the new iPhone from Apple, white 4-Palo Alto, California.

By David Paul Morris, Scher

The client is looking for on the new iPhone from Apple, white 4-Palo Alto, California.

Close to oblivion in 1997, Apple is now the world's second company after Exxon Mobile is expensive. On 20 April, it reported net income of $ 5.99 for the period January to March, almost double that of last year. It was a record 18.65 million iPhones during the quarter. His tablet PCs iPad so popular, the company could not prepare enough control of Apple produced many winners and some, like the last two weeks are over: Microsoft: the loser.Apple and Microsoft as a technology that has been downloaded the most important in the world a year ago. Report mid-fall, the same place Microsoft quarterly earnings. In the period January-March this year, the same place Microsoft net income, too on Thursday, Microsoft reported that revenues from the operating system Windows on the second quarter declined because people are buying less straight to Windows PCs. potential buyers have to Macs instead Apple reported that it sold 28 percent more units. Others are going to iPads. Now, Goldman Sachs believes that more than 30 percent of iPads sold is changing. In the 1990s, the trend is reversed, like straight out Windows PCs. Macs Nokia: the loser.Nokia said this week the slash 7,000 jobs through layoffs for outsourcing. It still sells more phones than anyone else, but this is a shared loss, especially when it comes to Apple smartphones. research firm Strategy Analytics said-even Apple iPhone sales revenue of Nokia phones, hubs in the period January-March, expensive iPhones as much more than the average phone Nokia. That makes Apple, the world's largest phone maker by revenue to compete better on the iPhone, Nokia ditching his old Nokia Software and the adoption of Microsoft Windows phone 7. But the transition will take time; Windows based phones Nokia first unexpected late 2011 or early 2012. research in motion: the loser.Maker of the BlackBerry is a similar dilemma of Nokia. Organizations warned Thursday that net income, revenues and quarterly sales ending may be below the previous forecast of its high-quality phones of the company are looking for the old in comparison with the iPhone and Google Android software session Inc.. They are not selling as well as the company expected. Rim promised investors a new phones with software sales will fi hshoag back in the second half of the year, but investors are compelled to submit, on the rim down Friday. HTC, Samsung Electronics, Motorola mobility holdings: winners, indirectly. Although all three companies compete with Apple's iPhoneThey do well. Unlike the Nokia and RIM, the three are betting on Google's Android system, which comes closest to mimicking the look, feel and functionality of the iPhone mobile Motorola. shadow of the old Motorola is, once the world's second-largest maker of mobile phones. But with the emphasis on Smartphones powered Android is showing signs of success. Report on Thursday near-doubling of sales in the first quarter. Smart has 3,000 Taiwan makes smartphones for a decade, and sales are really using Android. On Friday, reported sell 12.9 million in the first quarter for Samsung of South Korea., smartphone sales were a bright spot in the first quarter was rejected by the total sales of the phone, and other electronics were weak. He got into trouble with the company's patent litigation with Apple. with Verizon Wireless: winner of theleading cellphone No.. 1 USA created a jump in customers signing a new contract and more profitable after the iPhone's version introduced on 10 February, which ended a AT&T Inc. exclusive device in the United States (with Verizon Wireless is a joint venture with Verizon Communications Inc. of New York, Vodafone Group of programmable logical controller in the United Kingdom.)AT&T and Nextel twist: mixed.New Member of the AT&T came with Verizon and Nextel twist but also to current clients saw signs of moving up with Verizon for iPhone. Instead, customers were losing between carriers more likely to go with Verizon for iPhone AT T-&. He appeared to be a new iPhone customers split evenly with with Verizon Wireless lost the lucrative contract. Sprint customers in the quarter, but continued its long cycle by subscribing to a record number of people in the cheapPrograms without a contract.

Copyright 2011 associated press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

For more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.

Integrated Wi-Fi airports taking?

Phoenix — frequent business traveler Meister Robert refers to the availability of Wi-Fi on as invaluable.Virgin America offers Wi-Fi on its planes. Virgin America

Virgin America offers free Wi-Fi on.

Virgin America

Virgin America offers free Wi-Fi on.

As the owner of a communications firm, said here that he pays $ 40 per Meister until $ 50 every month to stay connected with its customers via e-mail and other means, US Airways flights to Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco. If he knows one flight offers free Wi-Fi and Internet-enabled flight lalatpank. "No matter what the price, to me, is a great tool to stay connected and keep working," said Meister. but are Wi-Fi as Meister represent a minority of travellers. "Lessons", or the percentage of people who subscribe to the Wi-Fi on airplanes, are approximately 5%, according to Amy Cravens, analyst with Scottsdale, Ariz-based on Stat. Henry Harteveldt, senior analyst with Cambridge-based, Research Assistant, Forrester estimates the prices slightly higher: 7 percent to 12 percent. three years after American Airlines offered the first Wi-Fi for a feeMore than 2,000 are equipped with Wi-Fi in General. Gogo Internet Service Department is the primary subject Aircell way in the United States, will be more than half of the aircraft equipped with Wi-Fi around the world is more than 100,000 to equip the aircraft with the Wi-Fi rates increase as. take carriers use Wi-Fi to differentiate themselves, Harteveldt said. For example, Virgin America flights maacetdion, Delta Airlines are all Wi-Fi-equipped, while US Airways, United Airlines is offering the service on a portion of their flights in 2011, Delta Airlines expand the Wi-Fi services to all its regional aircraft class service has a Web service., southwest of available in-80 aircraft. By 2012, he hopes to have deployed Wi-Fi across the planes, said 540 baci spokeswoman Southwest. airline contracts with Dallas-based competitor of Aircell, Row44. "This is the octagonal divide into two groups: ????????? airlines, "said Harteveldt."Airlines that have Wi-Fi makampiin is also the passengers who are willing to pay the price more attractive (or higher). Airlines that chose not to propose it. ... Will find themselves losing customers, price and promotion activities to attract matlot clients. "At the beginning of April, Phoenix airline, Doug Parker, CEO of US Airways, the lead sets the Harteveldt."You can't drive market share through product differentiation, "he said of the Parker fly. said after one starts a service, follow the rest despite the financial implications.Wi-Fi take on prices that often businesses – long haul flights during the weekend during the summer, Jackson contract multiple subscriptions to the Internet probably will slow as wanes business travel, tourism & absorbs.Marketing difficultiesincreasing rates take Wi-Fi on the Interior of the aircraft some challenging though to what degree is the first challenge is clear., said analyst Cravens. She said some travelers find it difficult to justify paying for the Web service on the air when they receive the same service for free-coffee, And books. "Although the flight environment is so different than say Starbucks, customer don't really think so, "said Cravens. "Are you just think it was free when I was on the ground, why not free while I was on a plane?"Gogo Web, available ?????'????, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, Virgin Airlines, AirTran Airways, American Airlines flights from $ 4.95 to cost more to run Internet on a laptop, from $ 4.95 to $7.95 Internet enabled mobile device. Monthly packages are available for frequent users. Southwest, which contracts with Row44 offers Wi-Fi service on us since it became available on certain flights in the second quarter of 2010. "Carriers tried to other business models, see success. mnov 20 to 2 January, under the auspices of the Google Chrome for all free Gogo Web: Virgin America Presidents, Delta flights to take the prices were up ... 400 percent during this period, said Niels Steenstrup, VP Sales, marketing, bandwidth speeds and Aircell. If too many people slow down logon at the same time, some were connected automatically. "I think there is a balance, a balance should be cautious," said Hardevelt. "Ironically, you don't want everyone on the plane going online, because it will slow down the transmission speeds vtgobt."Beyond price, Wi-Fi subscriptions are challenged by a lack of will of Virgin America, selecting seats on flights of other airlines, the carriers offer free Wi-Fi will do not provide for laptops, tablets, cellphones due to expenses related to the installation and maintenance of the 20th Annual Symposium. Phoenix Sky Harbour International Airport earlier this monthJordan, Snyder, author of the blog vrgzn flier, proposed to replace the carriers entertainment systems will fly.Rick Zeni, Vice President of revenue management ??'? blue Airways, which will offer free Wi-Fi baci already as 2012, said: "as we buy new aircraft we have to ask, do we install TV screens or are we in that it is unnecessary? I don't think we are distributing it there (to the point) yet. "Forrester research study conducted at the beginning of 2010, 41 percent of businesses said they would prefer makampiin Wi-Fi in-flight entertainment systems, opportunity. Twenty-nine percent of leisure travelers for replacement responded.The future of Wi-Filooking ahead, Cravens says carriers need to appeal to a larger client base to increase subscriptions Wi-Fi is offered at a low rate offers for leisure clients don't mind lower speeds for bandwidth or business model to include more advertising. "Cravens if carriers were able to achieve 10 percent take rate, then at least we're going to see some positive earnings come out of it, "he said.Steenstrup Aircell's gogo will probably mean that matches the business model is its client bases. "I think the model paid for is here to stay, but first see it increases that sponsors (bbsopi and holidays), "said Steenstrup. for more information about reprints, visit & for our frequently asked questions. To report corrections to vabarot, contact standards editor Jones Brent. For consideration of publication in the newspaper, send your comments to Include name, telephone number, city and country for verification. To view our corrections, go to corrections. We have updated the guidelines of the conversation. Changes include a brief overview of the process of reduction and explains how to use the button "report". Read more.